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Oh! What a BEAUTIFUL day it had been! You were so glad, though, when it all ended. You decided to keep things simple for your honeymoon. Living in a castle was enough of an outing for you! There was still so much to explore. So many more things to do.

Herobrine had broken from the group of just you and your family. You had asked to be with them some more since you hadn't been able to talk with them much. For the most part, their lives were the same as always. Most of them were just having a hard time wrapping their heads around something you yourself had just recently begun to comprehend. One of your uncles, for instance, was still bumbling around the halls, thinking he was dreaming still. It was a good laugh, but also strange to see a remnant of the 'real' world. That at one point you had once believed so strongly in what was 'true' and what was 'fake.' Now, however, someone could say dinosaurs existed and you you would have NO trouble believing that!

After a while or touring your family around the castle, talking with them merrily, Herobrine again entered the space, startling everyone but you. "Are you ready to go to bed, m'lady?" He held his hand out to you with a slight bow, a tease falling from his mouth.

"What time is it?" You asked with a yawn.

"11, I believe.." He said.

"Oh wow, that is hardly nothing compared to my younger years." You chuckled, as did Hero.

Your family then interjected, asking where all of them would be staying. With a sigh, Herobrine agreed to teleport them all back home one at a time to make it easier. While he was doing that, you took the liberty of saying a last goodbye, before finally heading off to bed.

Now in your pajamas, soft and fluffy, you began dozing already, though you had made it a personal challenge not to until Hero went to sleep first. When he arrived about 40 minutes later, it looked like you might just win that contest after all. He looked really drained from teleporting so much, and on top of that the big day was likely too pressing on his weary head. You sat up only a little, watching as he grabbed some PJs and dragged himself into the bathroom. After a shower he came out, still tired; maybe even moreso. With a plop, Hero fell at your side into bed, feeling too lazy to pull the covers from under him.

"Good night..." He mumbled, eyes already closed.

"That's it?" You chuckled.


Again, you softly chuckled, leaning to the side and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "Good night." You said at last with a smile, sinking further under the thick covers. A small smile remained on Hero's face as he drifted into sleep beside you. By far, that was the FASTEST he had ever gone to sleep! Amazing what a long day can do for you! After maybe an extra minute or so of laying there staring at nothing but dark, empty space, you began to feel drowsy again. It was...strange, to say the least.

Were you REALLY married, already?! It went by so fast! Hard to imagine a day like that could ever truly end. But...like all the other days...it kind of had to.. Still, there was something different about this day. A feeling you wished to carry with you throughout the rest of your life. As your new husband's quiet snores rose in the air, you thought. 'Wow, so this is what being an adult is like..' A tiny hint of a, still childish in nature, smile rose on your lips. And, you fell to sleep.

The night following the next day was a confusing one.

Static sounded. A sound you hadn't heard in years to be honest. The familiar tones and speaking patterns of the afternoon news spoke to you. A blueish light broke the darkness, making you groan in annoyance as you rolled over. It took a moment for you to realize that where the light and sound was coming from was actually where the fireplace was supposed to be. Reluctantly sitting up to investigate the situation, your eyes stared confused at the hunched silhouette of Herobrine as he sat in front of the TV, intently watching. It was hard to tell if he was even breathing, he was so still.

"..Hero..?" You called groggily. He turned slightly, no real emotion able to be seen Beyonce his glowing eyes. "Where d-u get the-?"

"Come here..please?" Your husband asked. Though you felt like just rolling over and going back to sleep, the tone in his voice was like none other and it confused you why he would seem..so...away..?

"What is it?" You asked tiredly as you sat down on the little bench beside with a blanket around you, instantly just leaning against him since you felt too tired to sit up on your own. Herobrine paused the news station.....How? As it was paused, the screen flickered, all sticky like before. Then he rewound it again. Showing what was just a brief display of different natural disasters that had happened today.

"Natural disasters..." Herobrine repeated.

"Mmhmm, *yawn* What about them?"

They all hit today...at the same time."

"So? The world is a big place. I'm sure this stuff happens all the time."

"They took place at all of the places I had offered for us to stay."


"Exactly. It was like...like somebody was targeting us. And, I only know one person who could at all put together something as elaborate as....this."





[THE END]  -12/2/21

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