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(After: "Slave." ..You chose to stick to the plan)

Night drifted over the horizon and soon the stars were out above you. Ev had left you in the tent you and her shared with another twenty to thirty people already, to give the signal. You sat anxiously with the others in your beds. By that point, you all knew what was comming next. 

A quiet whistle sounded outside the tent. It sounded like a bird, but obviously human. A few moments later, you heard screaching sounds as fireworks flew up into the sky. The explosions sounded too close for comfort, but you were focused and not worried about any fireworks at the moment. Zombie groans roared like a battle cry and there was the sound of clashing metal and arrows whizzing through the sky at their targets. It wasn't just a distraction. It was an all out war

Several figures covered in shadows burst into the tent and motioned for everyone inside to follow. It was time for your part in the plan. You got up, along with everyone else, and began guiding those that looked a little scared and confused outside the tent. You managed to help speed things up, but still kind of wished to be helping Ev with whatever she was doing. Everyone including you, were guided to a fresh hole just inside the walled prison. You took your time in helping several jump in. 

An explosion near you erupted and you spotted Ev holding fireworks in her hands and lighting a few off. They quickly zoomed up into the black sky and opened up, releasing more explosions. As you scanned the area, you saw zombies and guards fighting the all out war you had assumed was taking place. Zombie and human blood was scattered everywhere. It seemed as if many of the guards were human, so that made sense. 

A firm hand grasped your wrist and practically threw you into the hole. Luckily, you landed on your feet and did an epic roll to absorb most of the fall. Good thing you had practiced falling on the slippery mud. Once you were in the hole, you found it was too dark to see a thing. The same hand as before grabbed you and lead you with the others in the darkness. The fighting sounds grew distant, but you still couldn't see a thing. All you could hear was the splashing of feet in the muddy tunnel you and probably the hundred others who were escaping through. 

"Wait! What about Ev?" You asked the one guiding you. 

"My sister is the toughest person I know. So don't worry." The guy leading you half demanded. 

You continued walking, following the many other worried prisoners. The guy leading you finally let go when the tunnel was a bit dryer and pulled out a torch and lit it. The fire illuminated the dirt walls, floor, and scieling. You were finally able to see the crowded rushing prisoners and the one holding the torch. Like you had guessed from his grip, the guy was pretty muscular and he had short blond hair that was really short in the back and sides but long enough in the front for it to wave just over his eyes like a blond ocean. You only got a glimpse of his eyes as he looked around but could see they were blue and green with a hint of gold mixed in; and he wore dark jeans and a red hoodie. In the hand that wasn't holding the torch was a dirty steal sword. Like everyone else, he was pretty dirty. Somehow, however, his hair and face had managed to stay decently clean. 

"Alright everyone! Walk away from the fire light and you will find your way out!" The guy instructed. Everyone listened and calmed down on the 'Black Friday' pushing. After what seemed too long to be an escape route, there was another light on the opposite end of the tunnel. Everyone sped up at the sight of the light and cries of joy were heard as prisoners made their way to the light. 

You looked back into the darkness hoping to see Ev behind you. She wasn't there. 

"She'll be fine." The guy comforted when he saw you stare into the void of hope. But even he sounded a little worried. You just wished you could help somehow. 

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