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(After: "Beauty") 

Rays of sunshine peeked through the curtains, poking at your eyelids relentlessly. Finally, you were woken from the light, and sat up in bed, stretching your arms over your head as your eyes wandered around the room. The furniture was quite warm looking, made of soft brown leathers and wool, but also appealing to the eye as well. The room overall was still clean looking, with no items resting on the two chairs and small table in front of the bed just yet. After some looking around further, you still couldn't help but feel that something is missing. Oh yeah, your husband! Your head quickly turned to the other side of the bed, finding it empty. He must have gone downstairs. Certain of this, you got up and went down yourself. 

Once down the stairs, your eyes were brought to the glass wall which the front door was apart of, looking out over the mountains as the sun sends beams of golden light over them. It was a beautiful sight. 

"Hey there. Just want a quick breakfast? I just finished preparing us some, along with some coffee (or tea) exactly the way you like it." You turned around to see Hero is in the kitchen, making you smile when he pulled up a couple plates of simple but delicious breakfast, and a couple cups up beside them. The way he smiled back lifted your spirits even more. 

"Thanks." You smiled. The morning was pretty quiet as you two spent time waking up, sitting at a small table by the front door on the balcony, watching the sun rise. Besides being quiet and simply enjoying the morning, you two took the time to chat a bit and get to know one enother better. Insane how even small things like favorite colors had never been shared before. You two mostly just talked about animals. You found out pretty quickly that though Hero wasn't too big of a fan on many of the typical pets, he did have a soft spot for cute little hamsters. 

With the sun up in the sky, it was time for you two to prepare for the hike, which was pretty simple. Basically just dressing into some comfortable clothes, as well as sporting some quality hiking boots. Before long you two were ready, and pulled out the map once again to make sure you knew where you were going. 

Right down the center of the valley and over a couple creeks. It would be a pretty descent and climb, but still easily manageable. You two started your trek right after packing some sandwiches for lunch and placing them in a satchel Herobrine carried with him, which also held some other potentially necessary items, like bug-spray. 

The scenery is beautiful as you two exited the modern cabin, as you and your husband left side by side to board the small trail, just barely beaten into the earth. Luckily the grass was not long enough to be irretating, and any thorns kept their distance. 

The trees were beautiful. Some small and colorful, leaves sprouting out, seemingly glowing with a bright array of pinks, oranges, and reds. The small ones were short but stout, and their branches strong enough to swing on. Another type of tree in the mix were tall, thin, evergreens. Their needle-like leaves were dark green, and added a much needed splash of realistic color to the fantasy sight of the beautiful flowers, other trees, vines thick and thin twisting about, and waterfall in the distance which just screamed beauty. From your trail you two could easily look down and see the valley below, which looked beautiful with bright green grass mimicking waves as the breeze blew about them. The meadow itself was surprisingly small, but open enough to run around in if you wanted to. Beautiful bridges made of pink-ish wood as well as lighter cream colored wood arched over the streams of clear water which came from the grand waterfall itself. The view as a whole was astounding. You couldn't help but wonder if this place was even real. 

The conversations with your new husband continued as they did before, breaking through the silence. You didn't recall everything about the on and off conversations, as all conversations tend to go, but you could definitely recall laughing to a few good jokes a couple times as the two of you began picking up on the other's sense of humor. Though you thought Hero may have been a little more of the dry humor type at first, you found that he really did like things such as puns and word-play; all things you could easily get behind. 

Yours and Hero's laughs were just fading when the two of you finally reached the valley, having taken about an hour hiking down to it. 

"So... What do you want to do now?" You caught a Hero smiling down at you from your right. You took a moment to make it look like you were thinking. Eventually you just gave up the act, pointing at a large tree in the very center of the valley, followed by a shout from you as you sprinted towards it right away. 

"Race you to the tree! And no flying or super speed!!" Hero laughed, racing after you. The two of you sprinted, tagging the tree at exactly the same time. Before you even realized it, you were chasing him around the tree, then he was chasing you, both laughing as the game of tag was in full swing. Stopping ro catch your breaths, you two plopped onto the grass under the shade of the tree, which held up large pink leaves, and watched the sky through the branches, every now and then laughing for no apparent reason. 

"This has been... the best day of my life." Hero said with a smile in his breath. You sighed in contentment, not a single arguing word in mind. "So... What do you think you are looking forward to the most, just generally, in life?.. Any life long wishes, goals, dreams..?" Kind of put on the spot all of a sudden, you searched right away for a quick answer, drawing a blank after some time. 

"I.. don't know." You half chuckled, not sure what else you could possibly say to that. 

"Heh... same. I, honestly thought I would have everything figured out by now.. but, I guess time doesn't magically give you all the answers.. Though... I would say I am looking forward to more of this: just being able to live without a care in the world. Not a thing to stress over... No snobby cousins. No obsessive parents. No banished brothers.. Just.. simply living..." Suddenly, several questions fill your head, bu they are all soon replaced by a care free mind as you take in another large breath of nice fresh air. No sounds but the gentle breeze swooshing by, water falling hundreds of feet into more water, and the care free chirps of happy birds enter your ears. Hero appears to have closed his eyes as he takes it all in. You do the same... Could a day like this, ever truly end?...

News flash: it can, and it did. Abruptly. 

Your attention was brought to the earth beneath you as it began to shake. At first, it actually felt quite nice, like one of those vibrating chairs or something. But, then, it really began to rumble. Hero was the first to react, sitting up quickly and placing his hand on yours. 

"(Y/n), I think it is time we go now." 

You sit up quickly as well. "What is wrong? Do you think it is going to get worse?" You question, looming him directly in the eyes as you too sit up. 

"Hopefully not, but it's better we be safe-" CRACK-A-POW!.. Too late. Both your heads twist to the waterfall, watching as a massive boulder falls from it. "Watch out!!" Hero tries to grab your hand again, but you are up in an instant, and your legs dart for the tree instantly. You didn't even have time to think about it. Just like you didn't have time to get away. Big splash! Soon, a wave of fridged water knocked you down onto the suddenly hard ground. Minerals and cold water fought to enter your lungs. Smaller rocks pelted your skin. Your body flung this way and that as the water didn't relent. It was as if that wave had brought in an entire ocean, and now there was neither a surface to swim to nor a ground to fall to. Body too shocked and cold to move just right. Mind too thrown off to think just righ. You were no longer having likely the best day of your life, but potentially losing that life... What on earth could the world throw at you next? And how could you possibly get out of this one alive? 

[Curl into a ball and wait it out --> "Meticulous"] 

[Swim for the surface before you drown --> "Scrupulous"] 

(Yall glad I am finally here with a new update? XD Also let me know if you got the notification for when this was published. That would be greatly appreciated. :) 

{FRQ: If you could bring any fictional creature into the real world as either your pet or best friend, which creature of fiction would you choose?}

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