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(Continuation of "Camper" and or "Faker"

:0 ...500 reads already!??!?!?!.. :D) 

It was finally the day you were waiting for. Either with excitement of escaping, or a little excitement in actually getting married. Either way, the day had finally come. You were dressed in (your favorite dress) and a lite tiara on your head decorated with many little diamonds. 

"Are you ready Miss?" A young maid asked you. 

"Ready as I'll ever be." You said with worry clear on your face. 

The large doors before you opened up and you saw the grand rectangular room with rows of pews and beautiful stain glass windows letting light of all sorts of colors inside. And the walls and ceiling were like those in the rest of the castle. So decorated it could take you hours to look at it all and still catch something new. 

You walked rather gracefully to your surprise down the isle. Pretty white, pink, and red flower petals cluttered on the rug under you. Looking down at them, you felt a little bad crushing such pretty petals. When you looked directly in front of you you saw Herobrine himself standing there with pink cheeks and the largest smile you had seen on his face before. 

Your face turned a dark shade of pink as you saw him. Whether you liked it or not, you were getting married. And either way, you felt nowhere CLOSE to ready. Especially ready to be a queen. 

You had learned nothing expected of you other than a few manners here and there. Luckily throughout the week the current queen had taught you all sorts of stuff, which just somehow made you feel a little worse knowing how much you didn't know. At least you had learned that in this kingdom the royalty are a lot freer to do things, unlike shows you had seen or books you had read where the royal family was very strict. But there was still a lot to learn. 

You then looked to your left where you saw farmiliar faces. It was your family! Herobrine had been kind enough to bring them. Most of them knew what was really going on and looked a little sad for you, but some of the more stupid members of your family had big smiles on as they looked at your pretty dress and the lovely decorations. 

Once you were up on the stage that was only about a foot above the rest of the floor, the old man with short white hair and impossibly squint eyes that made you wonder if he was actually reading the book, or had just memorized it. 

"And by the power invested in the royal family of Minecraftia, I now pronounce you, husband and wife." He said. It all happened so quickly you were surprised when Herobrine grabbed and kissed you, like suggested. And you couldn't really do anything but kiss back.. 

The crowd cheered. Even the relatives who looked a little lost for words couldn't keep themselves from feeling happy for you. You had no idea what was coming next, so you let your new husband guide you to the large, no, MASSIVE, open room where the celebration would take place. The room was decorated with pearly colors that made it shine beautifully. It was hard at first to look away from the large open space with grand pearl pillars going parallel with the walls. In the center was a fancy dance floor and an elegant food-bar. It had just about everything you liked, with the exception of a few things for those few strange people that liked the foods you squirmed even at the mention of. 

You started out with the food, grabbing your favorite things first and eating to your heart's content. The whole time Herobrine was with you having small talk with you, simple little conversations you couldn't even remember a few moments after they were spoken. He just seemed to enjoy talking to you. And even though the conversations were uneventful, you somehow felt a little closer to him afterwards. 

After you were done eating you got up and searched for your family and friends you had seen earlier. You looked through the crowd anxiously, worried they had left already. Luckily you did find them. They were all grouped together a little further off from everyone else, feeling a little out of place. Even though you didn't like some of them, you ran up to them all so happy to see them again. Like you had expected, they all looked a few years older than you last remembered. And whether you liked it or not, you had to accept that all this would never be going back to normal. Even if you ever did manage to leave and return home. 

Your family showered you with the typical questions and you made sure to answer each one carefully, leaving out or adding some parts to help your situation with your over worried family. Eventually they calmed once you pleased their ears with answers, and you could finally get caught up on what had happened in your family's life. 

(Stop and think for a second. If you had been gone for several years, and just now got to see them all again in this scenario; what would you do or say?) 

Anyway, after a while of talking the music changed. It had been playing the whole time by the way and there had been several already dancing. But the rhythm changed just enough so it was a little more romantic one could say. 

"There you are (Y/n)." Herobrine smiled when he found you. "Mind if I have this dance?" He asked. A little blush appeared on your face and you accepted his offer. It was so strange thinking that you were actually married, and to Herobrine as well! The Prince in line to be king of this entire world! And somehow, out of all the girls in existance, he chose you...

"So does this mean I am immortal like you now?" You asked, having nothing else to say. 

"Depends. There is still one thing I have to be sure of before it's official." He dropped his gaze on you instead of the man behind you he appeared to be studying closely. You shook almost. What could prove someone was immortal? Would he have to extract some blood and see if it's special in any way or something. The thought made your stomach feel like it was slowly dropping down to your feet. 

"Wh- what do you mean?" You asked shakily with those thoughts in mind. 

"You have to answer with true honesty. Do you love me? Or hate me?" He asked, not sure if he should smile or let sweat drop in worry. It took a moment to think. Usually something like this would need hours of thought to come to a genuine answer, but you could tell you needed to answer quickly as the two of you now danced awkwardly in the center of the crowded though massive room. 

So what's your answer? Do you love him.. Or do you hate him? 

[For 'yes' go to "Immortal"]

[For 'not sure' go to "Indecisive"] 

{FRQ: If you had to choose between having your favorite perfect pet with you your whole life that never makes a mess, or this book to be finished already, which would you choose?} 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now