
437 15 29

(Takes place after: "Intelligent"

Ay guys, I finally decided to update! XD ) 

"I- I'll help you." You finally stated after some thought. You2 looks somewhat surprised as she looks up at you with a slowly growing smile. 

"Really?.." She exhales with a joyful look. "H- how do you plan on helping me?" 

You place a hand on her shoulder, technically your shoulder, I guess. "I am going to help you reunite with Herobrine." You smile gently. The other you's smile grows even bigger and you chuckle. Inside, it pains you to know all you are giving up, but you feel it is the right thing to do. "Under ONE condition." You speak up, making you2's smile drop a little. "Afterward, I get to go back home to my own dimension." You smile. 

"Of course! Herobrine should be able to take you back when we are done... speaking of which, what should we even do to bring me back to the castle and somehow explain how I didn't actually die?!" You2 asked. You thought for a moment. The first idea, for some reason, was to devise some complicated plan to swap the two of you; but then how would you get back home? The other idea would just be to simply walk up and be honest; tell the whole story and hope things turn out okay. It might seem like one of those more difficult choices to make, but right away you already know what to do.

As cheesy as it might sound, telling the truth and making it as little of a scene as possible is your best way to go. After you thought the simple "plan," through, you briefly told your other self. She too agreed that it was probably the best idea. 

"Wait, everyone might think we are enemies just driving up to the castle. Should we come up with some sort of plan, or just wing it?!" You2 asked. You thought a brief moment before shrugging it. 

"I am pretty sure we both know we are much better off just winging it." You smile up at yourself. She smiles the same smile back, and the two of you walked over to and got into her armored vehicle. The other you double checked a few buttons around the driver's seat before doughnuting out of there! The drive was pretty quiet, except for the every now and then when you told You2 about basically everything you knew of the rebels, even who their leader was, which obviously shocked her. It wasn't like there is really much one can talk to oneself about. It would probably end up like a conversation that seems like you can read eachothers' minds, which wouldn't be as cool as it first sounds. The next hour or so you just lean your head against the passenger seat window of the vehicle and looked out the window lazily at the flat dark grey rocks all around. In the distance a treeline grew until the armored truck drove right into it along a mildly beaten path. It must have been the road You2 was planning on taking if her plan was to crash your wedding with Herobrine. You2 would have been a bit late in all honesty. 

"Almost there." You told yourself, but not actually yourself, just the other you- ugh, you know what I mean! You nod as you see glimpses of light grey poking through the leaves, stacking high above the canopy. Soon enough, the two of you arrived alongside the tall castle walls, so far undetected. "Hm. No guards. The royal family must have been injured or something." You2 shrugged before quickly turning to you. "Wait, was anyone hurt when Ev rescued you from here?!" She asked, worried. 

"Well..." You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, recalling past memories. "The entire royal family, had, been sleep darted. Herobrine even fell about fifty feet." You informed. You2's face looked like she was feeling pain when you said that, sympathysing with her one and only. Hhhh. It was she till so weird letting a different you keep the man you had fallen in love with too. 

Quickly, You2 jumped out of the vehicle, and you followed her as she grabbed hold of the wall, looking like she was about to climb. She must have spotted your hesitant look, because she chuckled and said, "oh come on, this should be easy. If I can do this, so can you.. Now come on. I know where we can go that I am certain Herobrine will find us soon enough. My guess is that he left to search for you, so he should be back in a few hours for a short break. He at least used to rest up in the tower directly above us." She told you. You were just amazed by how much she seemed to know about Herobrine and this castle. You2 began climbing up the stone wall and you followed close behind. Oh yeah, to lighten her own load, You2 had taken off that armor of hers, revealing clothes not too different from your favorite casual outfit. All you had on at the time we're some leftover clothes from the rebels, which wasn't in any way special. 

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