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(You decided to attack the stranger.)

Stealthily, you snuck behind the monologuing man as he went on and on about birth rights and power or something. Clenching the silver knife tightly in your hand, you rose it above your shoulder to strike!-

"Not so fast.." Your arm felt like it had been grabbed and held in place by some invisible cast. The more you fought, the harder the grip held you. Looking ahead at last, the bearded man has turned to you slightly with two glaring dark brown eyes. "You seriously thought I forgot about you?.. Hmf.. Dumber than I thought... Well, try AGAIN-!" In an instant, the same tightness crept around your entire body, applying pressure from all angles until it became too much.

Instantaneously, each and every one of your bones shattered. You died immediately.

...The end.

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now