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(Right after "Escape Artist".
Oh my, sorry I have been offline for a while now. All sorts of awesome stuff is to blame. Job, outside work, etc. But don't worry. This book is far from being over :)

You stared the queen in the eyes for a few solid minutes until finally taking a deep breath to answer. "No." You answered Darlie, but directing the little growl to the queen as you answered. 

"E-excuse me?" the queen looks a little shock. 

"Herobrine took me from my home. I would never be with him." you felt Darlie give you a quick side hug for your bravery. Once it was out you didn't really feel that scared, at the moment. 

"Hm, my son will not like hearing about this... Guards!" The queen called. Then you saw several soldiers marching down the halls towards you. "Take these infiltrators to the dungeon and take (Y/n) to the tower where she can think about whose side she is really on in solitude." You didn't like the sound of that. 

"Scram!" Darlie screamed as she pulled on your arm and tugged you away from the queen and incoming soldiers. "Hurry, this way!" She ordered to everyone when she let go of your wrist and quickly turned a corner. You followed close behind, however you were slowly losing speed as you ran. Several ran past you and you felt really bad then. You had to motivate yourself more. Unlike the rest of them, you wouldn't possibly die, so you had to think of something. 

You then imagined lava flowing towards you from behind, quickly gaining. That made you pick up your pace just a little. And everyone was running ahead without notice. You then tried imagining sharks, with laser eyes. Oh you started bookin it across the floor. But you were still not fast enough. You then imagined Herobrine himself behind you with a sword in his hand. But, the sword faded and he had a gentle smile on his face instead of what you were hoping for. GEEZ! The moment you noticed your feet were slowing almost to a stop, you re imagined lava and picked up your pace. It almost felt as if you were running from yourself! 

Finally you stopped trying so hard to imagine something and instead looked ahead at Darlie and her friends. They turned right down the hall and you followed. As soon as you turned in pursuit... they were gone. The hall forked in three directions and you couldn't see them down either of them. So you just stood there for a little bit with no idea where to go. 

"Um, Miss? are you lost?" A little quiet voice almost whispered to you. You  turned around to see a little girl with dark blond hair and a meek posture holding a broom in her hand. 

"Do you happen to know a girl named Darlie?" You asked the girl. She looked too similar to Darlie for you not to notice. The little girl lit up and a big smile appeared on her face. 

"Yess! That's my big sister!. Are you here to rescue me?!" She exclaimed. 

"Yeah, sort of. She came to rescue you but found me here too. I am trying to escape as well. But, I dragged behind and got a little lost. Now I don't know where everyone else is." You sighed. 

"Hmm, If I know my big sister... There! She must have gone left! She loves going left whenever given a choice, for some reason! Follow me!" Cathy, the little girl, then ran left and you ran right beside her. And she was right. It wasn't long before you saw Darlie and her crew standing panting in the hall waiting for you to catch up. "Darlie!!" Cathy screamed in excitement as she ran to her sister, finally remembering to drop the broom in her hand. 

"Cathy!!" Darlie turned around in an instant and ran to her sister. They both jumped into a happy embrace and both looked like they were fighting back tears. "I was so worried I would never see you again." Darlie said with a quivering lip. 

"Me too.." Cathy answered the same way. 

"Alright time to head back to base. We better hurry too." A guy in the group suggested. He then walked over to the nearest window and smashed through it with a strong front kick. "We can climb down from here." He told everyone. Everyone including you didn't hesitate to run over and look down, out the window. 

 'We can climb down from HERE!?' You screamed internally. It was like an a-hundred foot drop. But you didn't have time to suggest another way because the one who smashed the window took the lead in climbing down. And the others followed. Yet again showing off their climbing skills you wondered if it were even humanly possible. But you followed. It was too late to turn back anyways. But luckily to you, it seemed as if you and your new friends would be making it out safely. 

[To continue on this path, go to page: "Rebel" if you had previously chosen the path "Survivor"]

[Go to page: "Loner," if you had previously chosen the "Fighter" path. 

{FRQ: If your friend stomped on your phone/tablet/computer, would they live to see the light of day again?} 

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