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You charged back into the castle with determination. On your way, houses there had already been a struggle, and one of Steve's forces lay dead on the floor. Quickly, you grabbed their sword and nothing else.

Down the hall, you saw the two large doors wide open. Inside was what looked like a miniature war. Steve took to fighting Herobrine, who you would think would have the advantage had Steve not himself had several secret magical items up his sleeves.

Below them, both Steve's hand of soldiers and the men you had brought with you were fighting ferociously. You jumped into the mix, swinging your crude sword into the mix. You needed to reach Herobrine and Steve, but Steve's men were all well trained and overpowering. You managed to help one of your teammates trip one so hole could then be stabbed, but that was only one down. Already, one of your own men had fallen.


Three screams rang out, drawing your attention to the corner of the room.

"NOOO!" Herobrine screamed.

Your eyes widened, watching as Steve's crimson blade slid back out of the older you's chest. Her two children fell with tear filled faces to her side. By the looks of it, she had fallen in an attempt to save her husband. He was alright...but ...not her. The absolutely traumatized sad faces of those innocent children was just too much to bear. You rushed across the room to them just in time to kick one of Steve's men, who was slowly approaching the kids, straight into the wall! You traumatized the kids some more by killing the guy right in front of them.

Herobrine was, rage filled, fighting Steve with his full force. He didn't even need to use his powers. His raw aggression carried every swing with the strength and speed of a kicking horse! Steve was barely able to keep up. So he turned to other methods instead. The man leapt for the children, desperately grasping at the little girl's long hair. You had turned to fight another man, but once you heard her shriek, like a heat seeking missile you were there. You grabbed the both of them to create some distance, elbowed Steve before he could even rest a sword to her throat, and cut the girl's grasped strand of hair so he had no hold on her anymore. Seeing you as her new guardian now, the little 5 year old girl ran to you, wrapping her arms around her waist and squeezing tightly. The older boy also rushed to stand behind you.

Herobrine grasped Steve by the shoulder, spun around, and threw his mortal brother harshly to the ground. Then his upper half turned to you and the kids, an urgency washing over him as his eyes landed on the helpless children.

"GO!! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" Thrusting his finger towards the door, the man shouted an order. You struggled to make your decision to follow or not. You wanted to stay and fight. You wanted to see an end to this war yourself!.. Maybe now wasn't the best time to be thinking about your wants...was it? Finally nodding in agreement, you coaxed the two children to come with you out the front throne room doors. They argued otherwise as they reluctantly were pushed along the edge of the room, saying that they wanted to be by their daddy.

Once outside of the castle, that was far from over. Outside was a much larger scale war, as Steve's men were now fighting again through the castle's defenses. You pulled the children into a pre made trench, which was full of mostly dead or dying men. They followed your lead quickly, crouching and squeezing through the shallow trench. Explosions rattled overhead, shaking the ground. Gunshots, cannons, arrows fired. Any weapon that was usable was being used at this point!

From trench to trench you weaved. The girl tripped and fell over a dead man as you made haste, so you picked her up and carried her on your back for the final stretch. Finally, the mud turned to dirt, and the dirt began to hold grass. After an excruciating ten to twenty minutes of just that, the three of you guys weaved into the relative safety of the forest. You didn't know if enemy soldiers would recognize you guys. You hoped they would just let you pass since you were just a woman and her somehow I guess actually somewhat biological children.

Thankfully, there were no more hiccups. You hid away in the forest and the forest you stayed. The three of you built a little log cabin and together lived a simpler life. Their names were (d/n) and (s/n), which definitely sounded like names you would have chosen. You settled with having them refer to and know you as their aunt, since explaining how it all really worked would be a nightmare in itself.

Alone, the three of you survived, surprisingly happily for such traumatized individuals, for three years. You had absolutely NO connection to the outside world, so you never knew whether Herobrine or Steve won. For the most part, as long as you got to live out your peaceful life and just forget about all the chaos you had gone through, you had no strong desires to find out the truth.

When five years had passed, connection with the outside world was finally made. The boy, now about 14, was exploring when he found a village, and, through that, news that their dad was indeed alive and well --though missing one eye now-- and for the past five years had been diligently searching for his children came. When he came back and told you all this, both terror AND joy struck you.

Unlike them, you didn't want to go back to the old way, to remember, to have no place in the universe again. So, you kept the children from their father purposefully this time, coming up with excuses not to go every time they brought it up. It was a selfish reason, yes, but you also didn't want these kids you now considered your very own to be placed back into such a dangerous place where they would be easy targets again. You had grown, aged, and matured... but deep down was always the childish desire to keep the ones you loved close and never let them go again. (You could probably write a whole freaking book from the kids' perspective here. XD) After a whole year of evading their questions, the kids finally caught on.... They found a way to send a message to their dad behind your back...

Things happened... Dangerous things happened.. Herobrine was rightfully so more than angry to find you had been deliberately keeping his own children from him, and so after stealing his kids back had you locked up in the dungeon for a whole week. He couldn't bring any other punishments upon you, however. You were, in a way, still their mother after all.. and he still loved you, though now much more reserved and mature about it than he was in his early years. He seemed to have moved on from wanting romance, though, and simply prioritized being a father. After staying in the castle as a guest for about a year.. you... left to return back to the old cabin of yours... You only went back to visit on occasion.

The kids grew.

They fell in love.

They carried on to the next generation.

When your son was king, he became a better king than his father.. He brought hope again into your typically bleak life.

At the age of 53, you died in your cabin after it had been set on fire... To this one knows whether it was set on purpose or by accident...



You actually moved back in with yo kids eventually and lived a happy life!

The End! - 3/15/22




(At least I updated. *shugs*)

{FRQ: If you were to estimate how many HxR books you have read, what do you think the generally rounded number would be...?}

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