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(After "Keeper"

Ay, guys! I'm not dead! :)

A harsh ray of golden light pierced your eyelids and forced you to roll over. Doing so reminded you of where you were. It must have been morning. You slowly sat up in bed and looked around. Right in front of you were a couple sofas and a fireplace that was nothing but glowing coals. To your right was a large cracked open window, and to your left was a large door. You were looking at the bookshelves lining the walls when you heard some shuffling and saw movement in your peripheral vision. Slouched in one of the sofas, the one to your left, was a man. His hair and clothing were both a mess and he looked like he had been up all night. 'Wait a minute, that's Herobrine!' You realized. Looking around, you also picked up on the coloring of the bed and noticed this was also his room. He must have carried you here or something and decided to wait for you to wake up.

After a moment or two, you slid out of bed and quietly tiptoed over to the immortal prince. His head sagged onto his chest and he was barely balancing in the sitting position he was in. As silly as you felt, you walked over to him and felt his hair, gently combing it with your fingers.

Herobrine mumbled something as he shifted in his sleep. (..I dunno know, should I.. Eh, why not? XD Prepare yourselves!) Still feeling pretty tired, you crawled your way into his lap and puppeted his arms around so it was like he was holding you like a small child. You curled up with your head on his shoulder and all. Still, Herobrine slept. You were a little suppressed by that since he seemed to be a very lite sleeper before. All comfortable, you fell right back to sleep.

(What if I just ended it there? XD)

About an hour later, Herobrine's eyes slowly slipped open and he looked around a moment, not moving anything but a slight tilt of his head. Right away he remembered last night and it's several hours straight of teleporting from place to place in search for (Y/n). He had been over joyed when he heard you had returned on your own, in perfect condition beside needing a shower. He took in a deep breath, smelling the morning air, when he noticed a weight on him, mostly on his lap but also leaning on his chest. This startled him. His entire form stiffened. What if it was a giant snake?! (LOL sorry, callback.) But wait, that wouldn't make any sense. Instead of freaking out, he simply looked down. Once he saw your face calmly resting, you gently breathing while curled up in his lap, butterflies rushed into his stomach.

'D- does she really love me?.. After all I have done? After everything that has happened?' He wondered in his head. After a moment to process, Herobrine smiled and wrapped his arms arms round you, hugging the sleeping love of his.

"...She loves me.." He whispered with a little smile on his face. Even though he was not tired, Herobrine relaxed in his chair, and fell back to sleep, happier than he was when he woke up.

[Next: "Happy"]

(Sorry for it being so short, but I felt like it needed to end there. >. < Thanks so much for reading!)

{FRQ: What is a movie you wished didn't even exist?}

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