
169 3 0

(You chose to fight back to save Herobrine.)



"D### you!!" Notch shouted at you, in anger thrusting up his hands. Spikes struck out of the ground for Hero, who was prepared. He leapt into the air, narrowly dodging the spikes of Netherrack. Whew.. "You chose your side, (Y/n)! Now pay with your life!!" Now he turned toward you, malice deep within his glare. He swiped his right hand to the side. Feeling like you knew this well enough, you rolled back over your shoulder in a hurry. As expected, a spike shot at an angle for the very air you had just been standing in. Notch cursed under his breath again and growled. "This will be a long and meaningless fight, (Y/n). I am sure to win by the end... There is no use in fighting back." He mumbled, readying both his hands at his sides. You crouched, facing him and ready for the fight.

Notch stomped, sending a large row of spikes headed straight for you. "Let's start off with a little guessing game, then." Both his hands thrust outward on either side of the spike, doing the same motion, but only one of them in the process of forming another spike under the earth.

You had to think fast. Dodge right or left? No more than a second to think about it. QUICK!

[Roll right -> "Right"]

[Roll left -> "Left"]

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now