Escape Artist

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(Continuation of: "Guest") 

"Um, if Herobrine asks where I am, tell him I am just walking around the castle." You told Herobrine's parents before getting up from the table -- once you were done eating. They both nodded and you left the dining room. Man, those doors were heavy! Your wrist stung again, something you never understood why, and you hit it with your other hand to numb the stinging pain. It was a bad habbit you had gotten into the past couple years because you were never given medical supplies to help your injuries. 

You walked around the castle for a bit, looking for a good window to smash. When you found a large window, you looked through and saw it went very high up. Very, very, high up. 

"Crap. I am going to need to find some stairs." You mumbled to yourself. 

"Psst!"  A whisper rode it's way into your ear. You perked up at the noise and looked over to the next window in the hallway, seeing a young lady sticking half her body into the window, looking at you. She looked a little younger than you and had light blond cirly hair and and freckles all over her face. You quickly ran over to her. 

 "Who are you?" You asked the girl. 

"My name is Darlie. Are you a prisoner?" She asked. 

"Well.. yeah. Yeah I am. Are you here to rescue me?" You asked. 

"Yes. I am here for my little sister, but you can follow along to freedom." Darlie answered. 

"Why is your sister here?" You asked another question. 

"She made the queen angry by falling into her garden. So she became a slave here to clean the castle for the rest of her life." Darlie answered. It shocked you slightly to hear such a story. 

"And, what is her name?" You. 

"Cathy. Cathy Clarkson." Darlie. 

Darlie climbed the rest way in and you looked out the window and saw three more people climbing the outside of the walls like they were expert rock climbers. Once everyone was in, you helped them around since you knew a little about the place you were in. 

"(Y/n)." The queen said your name, grabbing your attention. Everyone including you froze in place. "(Y/n).. who are these people?" She asked you. You felt a lump in your throat. 

"Well, you see, (Y/n) here was showing us the janitor's closet." Darlie said in a friendly way, putting her arm around your shoulder to hopefully tell the queen that you two were friends. 

"How do you know where the janitor's closet is, (Y/n)? I thought you have spent most of your time in Herobrine's room." She questioned. You then felt Darlie's arm slide off your shoulder as she heard the queen's words. You stayed stone solid. Darlie probably felt so betrayed then. 

She then quietly whispered a question in your ear. "Are my assumptions correct?. That you, are with, Herobrine?" You didn't know how to answer, at least not in a way that could get you out of trouble. 

Here's a fun one. Do you answer yes, or no? 

[Go to page: --> "Faker" to answer yes. So you don't get in trouble by the queen] 

[Go to page: --> "Breaker" to answer no. So you keep Darlie's trust] 

{FRQ: How would you react if all of a sudden a giant doughnut crushed your school while no one was inside?} 

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