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(You pulled yourself and Hero backwards.)

Herobeine's heel was barely chipped as the two of you fell back on your behinds. Rough rock cut through your clothes.

"Ahhh!" Herobrine gripped at his bleeding heel, something that was sure to be a problem in only a few seconds. Despite that, he quickly jumped up and helped you as well. "Don't worry about me. I've taken worse blows before." He assured you. You still glanced at his bleeding leg, heart dropping to see just how little weight he was putting on it.

"Seems to me like you two are still underestimating me!" Notch growled as he rounded the mass pillar of rock you had just dodged. Notch materialized a brightly glowing sword in his hand and aimed it at his brother. "DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN!" He then lunged your way at intense speeds.

[Jump out of the way --> "Jump"]

[Duck under his blade and hit him with an uppercut --> "Duck"]

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