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(You chose to wait and listen to the stranger.)

You began creeping around the monologuing man slowly, hoping to make your way to the man he was facing. Wait- that was Herobrine!! The one he was talking to!!! Ohh! You had SO many mixed feelings about him, it was UNREAL! Because of that, you decided to keep your distance from both men for the time being.

"At last~" the stranger began speaking. "I come with power rivaling your own, brother!"

"That means nothing against my skill! Have you even practiced like I have?!"

"Indeed I have~ As a matter-a-fact... I've already killed you time and time again... Only this entitled little brat standing behind me has managed on some level to save you!" He announced, sneering. Herobrine's eyes widened, leaning to the side so he could see you better. They widened again when he recognized you.

"(Y/N)?!?!?!! Wh- what are you doing here!?!"

"Simple, actually.." The man suddenly teleported at your side and wrapped an arm over your shoulder in a friendly way, his other hand teasingly squeezing your cheek. "I was just about to explain to her why she should let me kill you! Now that all of her mental states from each of the closed timelines have merged into one, this version of her should be an excellent judge for deciding your fate!" You swat his hand away in annoyance and with that same hand rubbed your side cheek. "Isn't that right, (Y/n)?" Still side-hugging you like an old friend, the stranger laughed. "After all, you've seen this man at his best AND his worst! You know all the times he lied, killed, apologized, deceived, unfairly judged, and much more! Surely, you remember the time he imprisoned you, claimed you without consent, replaced you, screamed at you, and even hurt you! remember all of that~"

Though at first you struggled, now you only stared down at the dark red floor, occasionally glancing up at the Herobrine now so stranger-like. You could just as easily place the image of him into a new setting with a completely different personality, and you wouldn't even think twice about the change! So many times had you heard his name. So many times had you heard him calling yours. So desensitized to his glowing eyes, they were barely a feature! Was he even Herobrine at this point?! So blurred with the rest, you didn't know WHICH one you were even looking at right now! His backstory, personality...what made him laugh, cry, angry... You knew none of it! Either that..or you somehow knew too much of it! Which was it?! All of your memories of him merged into one, across potentially even THOUSANDS of timelines, stories, each featuring the same man...but also...not.

Was he good...?

Was he bad...?

...How were you supposed to know?

........Who even was this man?

"So... What'll it be?~" The stranger pressed, shoving you forward. "Do you love him?.... Or do you hate him..?~ You decide."

Turning back to the stranger. "...Who are you... And... WHY does this matter?! Where am I?!"

"Oh, my apologies.." Bowing a little with a smile. "My name is Notch, the older brother of Herobrine. I was...banished to the Nether some time ago...which is where we are right now. And as for why all of this matters....simple. I, like the millions of stereotypical 'villains' out there..want my revenge. That means deleting Herobrine permanently, without you getting in the way of that. Only...this doesn't have to be just MY revenge! After all... I understand you may have a few grudges against the man too. Hm?" Raising a brow innocently. "Shall I suggest you simply not create a new timeline in order to save him...just so we can get this over with..?" You stepped back.

"Wait... So... Wait- what?!"

"Yes. You can magically create timelines, being from another universe which stands taller on the rank. Naturally, you possess some...uncanny abilities. It took me centuries just to figure out how the fabric of reality itself worked! Over a thousand years even! But at last! I may not have such godlike abilities such as yourself; able to simply create a whole new plane of existence whenever I want!...but, at least I found a way down some of these realities you've created... You can play ignorant with me, but you KNOW what you can do! And so.... I ask.... Don't."

"....Oooohhhhhhhhh......... Okay wow, I didn't know that was actually a whole thing- Thought I was the only one who could see that." Scratching your head.

"Trust me. It is painfully annoying feeling my whole body momentarily shred into two or more parts... How about you, brother?"

Nodding awkwardly in the distance. "Yeah, I thought that was just me."

"And, um... What version of Herobrine is this...then?" You reasonably asked.

"Simple. Just like you, he too has merged into one, so that way it will be all the more easier to judge him... Circling back to that, what is your pick?" Clasping his hands together now, a mild smile awaiting your response, Notch stood just staring at you. Herobrine too. I'm waiting~ Do you hate him or do you love himmm?"




[To spare and potentially fight to the death for Herobrine, go to page, "Lover"]

[To drop the hassle and get your revenge if you want, continue to page, "Hater"]

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now