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(You chose to stay and wait for another opening) (after page "Guest") 

The past four or so hours were un eventful. You had told Herobrine's parents that if he asked about you, to tell him you were exploring the castle; and that is all you were doing. You wondered if I would simply write in here for you to go back and just read page, "Escape Artist" but I won't, because this path leads to a whole different story. :>

After maybe five hours past, you heard someone shouting in the halls. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!!" It was Herobrine! He was looking for you! Who won? Did he win?! Either way, you would have to be with somebody, may as well be him! Right? 

Herobrine flew down the halls and scooped you up the moment he saw you. He had a big smile on his face. Yup, he won. 

"I won, (Y/n)!" He confirmed your thoughts. "Now you are officially mine." He smiled as he hugged you even tighter. You quickly squirmed and dropped to the floor. 

"What do you mean I am yours?!" You shouted, angry. "I am my own person!" You declared. Herobrine just looked down at you sadly. But not really sad, just sort of. 

"..I know. Just, I'm just, so, excited." Herobrine said. 

"Why?" You demanded an answer from him. 

"W- w- well..." Herobrine stuttered. "I care for you, (Y/n). I don't hate you. I- I love you.." 

"Well you have made that clear." You said, crossing your arms. "But why? Why do you care? Why do you love me? It isn't like I am a model or anything! What about me do you even like; and how.. how do you care?" You asked the multitude of questions. You watched as a single tear fell from one of his eyes; and he even had a quivery lip as he looked down at your un happy face. Did he really care that much about you? Then you were picked up in a thight hug. Your feet left the ground because he was just holding you in that almost suffocating but warm hug. 

"I am sorry you are still angry with me. I really am.. I should have never put you in that camp. I was just, so angry.. So, I promise you I will make it up to you. It will eventually seem like that death place was just some horrific dream, I promise..." Herobrine promised you in a sincere voice. You just listened and thought about his words. 

"...How?" You whispered. 

"Let's start with the wedding. I'll make sure all your friends and family are there, so they know where you have been these last couple years. A- and I will even let you talk with them as much as you want." He said. Your eyes widened. 'Oh, crap. Almost forgot about the whole wedding thing.'

"Um, Herobrine? You mind if, um, the wedding is postponed, just for a little bit?" You decided to ask. 

"For how long?" Herobrine asked. 

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a couple years?" You. 

"Na-ah. I have waited two years already." Was the answer given to you. You started feeling a little awkward then. You were still trapped in the hug. 

"Um, can you put me down now?" You asked. 

"Nope. I want to hold you all day." He answered. 'Oh well.. poop.'

"How about we postpone the wedding just a couple weeks then?" You asked. It really was getting awkward, and you could feel that strange feeling building up again. 

"One week." Herobrine answered. 

"Oookaaayy.." You said. "Now can you please put me down?" You begged. 

"If I do, then the wedding will be in a couple days instead." He smirked down at you. 

"Nevermind!" You chirped. Herobrine chuckled and flew up and started flying around the castle, still carrying you; but he shifted you after a little bit so he was holding you bridal style. It was, actually pretty fun flying around. 

As you flew through the hall at one point, at a fork in the hallways, you saw Entity303 and Null in their normal atire, normal for them at least. Poor Entity303 had a sling on his right arm and Null had an eyepatch. As Herobrine flew past he looked back at the two with the most punchable smirk on his face. 303 and Null just glared back at you two. Why were they so jellous? They never even talked to you before. 

Oh great. Your right wrist was hurting again. It stung for a reason you still didn't know and almost by instinct that time you hit it with the side of your other fist to get it to stop. 

"Why did you just hit yourself?" Herobrine noticed and asked. You didn't really know how to answer. Your wrist decided to be annoying and stung again. That time you squeesed it so tightly your knuckles turned almost white. That time Herobrine realized what you were doing. ".. (Y/n)? Is that how you have been handling injuries these past couple years?" You thought for a moment, then nodded. In that camp there was no medical supplies or casts, so you found that hitting or squeezing the injury numbed it long enough for you to continue the endless work. In your eyes it had been a handy, but now it was just a bad habbit. "..I am so sorry. I never hoped you would be hurt by it, but looks like you were scarred.. Sorry." He tried to apologize. 

"If you keep saying sorry, why don't you just let me go back home. That would let me know you are sorry." You told him. 

"I have thought about that, a lot.. But, every time I try to imagine it, I feel hollow inside. And it is a painful feeling.. (Y/n), I don't want you to leave me.. ever. Not in a hundred years." He told you. You just stayed quiet, not sure whether you really wanted to escape or not. But you knew that you still wanted to escape. And you would be doing so just before that wedding. 

[If you had chosen "Survivor" a while back, go to page "Hiker"]

[If you had chosen "Fighter" a while back, go to page "Climber"]

{FRQ: What is probably the worst writing error EVER?} 

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