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(After "Wish Granter")

You arrived at the portal with a small band of men, all of which willing to venture out and fight with you, an added person to break your imprisonment there. Though your band was small, you were mighty. You had chosen the most loyal and hearty of the crew.

But you had to hurry, for every second was like an hour in the other world. Who knows what could be going on beyond that portal, or even if you are too late already!

When you entered the shrine-like building carved into the very earthy mountain itself, open to all the sun's setting light, you knew there was no time to waste. Within only a minute of arriving you had the spell broken over you and put onto another who promised to keep watch over the rapidly growing village at spawn and not leave until Steve himself has been returned.

Soon, you were the first to enter the swirly vortex, fear striking into you for what traps or monsters you might find...

You squinted as new light entered your eyes. Your mind spun and your world danced in front of you, but as soon as you stepped into he rim of the all began to clear. Bright lanterns shined down on an amazing sight. A long, pristine hallway was constructed of quarts and iron. All its walls were rows upon rows of perfectly in tact diamond and iron armor! The pieces of metal looked beautifully realistic, curved, and shiny in this world, only adding to their brilliance!

"...One of you.." you whispered over your shoulder. "Go tell Erald we have an infinite supply of armor...if we want more soldiers.." One of the men instantly turned back to tell of the news.

"But...why is it here..?" Another man warily stepped out into the open hallway, which stood two or more trees tall. Swords, bows, and other weapons also accompanied each set of armor. "What if it's all a trap?" He suddenly turned, worried now he might die without glory or honor: as a stupid fool who stepped into an old trap.

"...Everyone be careful.. It might be rigged, or there might be something entirely different in here..." You lowered your stances warily stepping out into the open space as well. Slowly, all seven of you wandered about. The man on the other side would likely be back in an hour or two just for going to update the other, you presumed. Only now did you begin to worry you were outliving everyone back at home. You hadn't stopped to consider it before, but did the time difference change according to ALL other worlds? Food for thought for sure..

When you and your men finally reached the end of the large hallway, not finding any traps, you noticed the hall branched into two smaller tunnels, both of which had been completely closed in by massive boulders and loose rocks.

"Oh..." One said.

"How are we supposed to get out NOW!?"

"Did they block us in on PURPOSE?!"

"Most likely not." You said, observing the fallen Earth's same as them. "I don't see why Steve would leave out such perfectly good armor and weapons..especially if he was intending to build an army." Of course. It all seemed to click now. All those he had previously guided to the portal, he must have either had them take his place for a time so he could build this, or make them promise to work on this if they ever wanted to return to their homes.. or both! So it was very likely that, with the amount of people that had likely been tossed in before she had, the moment Steve left for good, he had already assembled an army.

You gritted your teeth, now seeing a near impossible way out. Oh well... At least you didn't have to worry about the massive time difference anymore.

"He went to get more men!" The last guy finally came rushing in after you and the crew had thoroughly inspected the wall of fallen rocks. "He said there might still be a near hundred or so fighting men!"

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