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(Comes after, "Loner.")

You decided to take a chance and call Steve. He was closer to you afterall. Maybe he even knew how to help you, since he had managed to survive here for so long.

Quickly, you pressed the button and let the cell phone ring for a moment. Only about a second later, there was an answer.

""Hello? I am afraid you have the wrong number.-"" A voice spoke through the phone. If one had said both Herobrine's and Steve's voices were almost the same, they would be mostly wrong! There was a clear difference, and you noticed that right away. There wasn't really away way to explain how, though. They just were.

"I- is this, S- Steve?" You asked into the phone, your hands having a hard time holding the phone.

"".Yyeeaaahhh, and who is this? Wait, are you in danger?"" The voice started to rise with worry. A weak cough from you and the background noise of crystallized rain pelting your back was enough of an answer. ""Oh, my. You must have been pushed through the portal. Hold on! I am not too far away!-"" Steve told you before hanging up. You had only enough time to look around before your phone began ringing and you answered it. ""Almost forgot, look for away tree or something to stand under. The rain will kill you!"" Steve warned, there was a lot of shuffling on his side, as if he were symotaniously digging through a pile of things. It sounded like he was about to say something else, but the water finally got to the phone and it shut off. You dropped the cold metal and looked around for some shelter. In the distance you saw a vague shape of what looked like a blocky tree. You quickly ran towards it, your feet splashing more freezing cold water on you.

You finally collapsed under the single birch tree All around you the rain poured, half of it solid ice, and the wind blew like a hurricane. You sat with your back against the tree, hugging your knees. It was only a little dryer compared to out in the open. The cold still stung your skin and you began to feel hot; just a trick of the mind. The ice began collecting on your eyebrows and eyelashes, and hair. Your stomach began to twist in the freezing cold and your limbs felt numb. You were almost falling asleep in the cold when you heard a distant pounding out beyond the dark, thick rain. Without enough energy to speak, you put all your energy into waving your right arm wildly above your head, looking in the direction of the noise. A faint figure of a running horse came into view. Then you could actually see the chestnut brown mare run up close and right next to your tree. It was halted by the blocky form on top, and a man jumped off it's back. When the man came closer you saw a somewhat gruff man with a thin beard, dark brown hair, and dark purple eyes. He was wearing a thin raincoat and waterproof, black pants. Instead of heading straight for you like you had expected, he, with incredible precise speed, set up a tent that already had some things in it.

"Get in and dry up, now! You'll die if you don't." The man demanded. This must be steve. His voice was the same as the one on the phone. You weren't sure why drying up was top priority and not getting somewhere warm, but you didn't argue. It seemed like this Steve guy knew what he was doing. With a new goal to fight for, you sprung to your feet and jumped into the tent. When you were in the dry enclosure you realized just how wet you were. Inside were some towels.. and a new change of clothes. They looked a lot like Herobrine's usual atire but just a little cheaper made, if that is even a thing.. and also they were pixely because Minecraft. Once you had zipped the tent door shut, you quickly used the towels to dry off and changed; all the essential clothing provided. Once mostly dry, you wrapped your head and hair in a towel to keep it's wetness away from you. You were not any warmer, but it felt much better just being dry!

"You done?" Steve asked from outside the tent, in a bit of a hurry.

"Yeah." You answered quickly.

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