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(After "Tourist") 

 'FOOD!!!' You screamed in your head as two large doors opened up into a massive dining room, practically covered in food. Herobrine chuckled as you ran right in and grabbed some nutrition off the table without even sitting down. All you could grab however were only a few baby carrots before Herobrine picked you up and set you down in a chair around the center of the long table. Once you were sitting still, he flew right over the table, literally, and sat down in the chair across from you. For some reason the whole event made you blush. 

"Well, looks like our guest is getting around rather nicely." An older -- almost Swedish accented but not entirely -- voice spoke from the head of the table. You quickly turned to look to where the voice came from and saw two people looking at you from the head of the table, side by side. 

"Who are you guys?" You asked the two others in the room. 

"(Y/n), these are my parents, the current king and queen of Minecraftia." Herobrine introduced. Your jaw dropped. These people didn't look like you had expected, if you even expected them at all! 

"Watch out! Coming through fast!" A new voice shouted as the doors you had just entered through slammed open, allowing two figures fly into the room. They both looked like they were racing eachother. Neither of them looked exactly, human. 

"I win!" The robed figure cheered just before he slammed into his chair, causing it to fall backwards along with him onto the floor. The other burst out laughing as he much more carefully landed in his seat wherever he pleased. 

You recognized the one to have just fallen over as Entity303, and slightly recognized the other one as Null. Null was basically just a black void with eyes like Herobrine. Black smoke rose from him as if he were always on fire. Entity303 was similar to Null, but he wore a white robe and had glowing red eyes; and he didn't look like was in eternal fire. They both cracked up laughing as they positioned themselves in their chairs -- 303 sitting to the direct left of Herobrine, and Null sitting across from him right next to you.. It wasn't until after they had finished laughing that they noticed you were even there. 

"Wait, whaa!?" 303 almost fell back in his chair. Herobrine gave him a solid stare, telling him to stop speaking. Null looked at you too with wide eyes. 

"This, this is (Y/n)!" Null looked over at Herobrine with the statement. Herobrine sipped some orange juice and patiently waited for the two to finish freaking out. 

"Yes. Indeed it is." Herobrine mumbled. Everyone then took turns between looking at you and Herobrine. 

"No way.." 303 chuckled. "Herobrine finally found himself a wife." 

"Better than you I might add!" Herobrine huffed. 303 just slid back and over exaggerated the pain he felt inside. 

"H! How wrude!" 303 said with fake pain, with his hand bracing his heart. 

"Oh, he's jellous.." Null mumbled while taking a sip of orange juice as well. 

"Okay you guys can cut out the void look, whatever. This isn't Halloween!" Herobrine ordered. The two surprisingly obeyed and the black around them faded away, revealing two normal looking people. 

Entity303 looked somewhat similar to Herobrine with the same hair color and skin shade; but he was a bit skinnier and wore glasses on his face. Null looked actually a little buffer than Herobrine, and his skin was a little more 'pale.' He also had blond hair and green eyes. 303 had blue eyes. 

"You happy?" 303 groaned as he looked at Herobrine. He went un answered and directed his attention to you. 

"So, I heard he took you a couple years ago, but just now decided to be nice to you. What's up with that?! If I were him, I would not have been so crule, not one bit." 303 said directly to you. Herobrine slowly turned his head to 303 with a look you were not sure meant he was angry, or constipated.. XD 

"You all know why." He growled at the majority of the people there. 

"No Briney, I don't. Why don't you tell us?!" Null snapped into the conversation. Herobrine didn't like the name one bit. He then looked at you as if he didn't want you knowing the answer. 

"Oh, that's right. Herobrine here thought (Y/n) looked FAT! Well apparently he was able to fix that! Just look at her! She's as skinny as a twig!" 303 said. It wasn't entirely true, but by that point you wanted an answer just as much as 303 and Null seemed to want. 

"Just, SHUT UP!" Herobrine shouted. "No, that is not the reason! I was simply trying to see if she was strong enough to rule by my side, and that's it!" The room was quiet for a moment. 

"..I bet I could take better care of her.." Null murmured into his half empty cup. 

"Excuse me?!" Herobrine slammed his hands down on the table in frustration. 

"Yeah, I bet I would be waaay better at protecting (Y/n) than you!" 303 claimed. 

"Is that a challenge?!" Herobrine asked. 

"Yes!!" The other two both answered at once. Meanwhile, you felt a little awkward and just, very slowly, sunk down into your chair. Eventually, only your eyes were visible at table level. 

"Fine! First to kill the Ender Dragon again gets her!!" Herobrine set out a challenge. You honestly had no idea your day would turn out like this. 

"Deal!!" The other two shouted. Then, in an instant, all three of them vanished into thin air. 

"...Boys! Am I right?!" You turned to the head of the table to see Herobrine's mom shrugging. You almost laughed at her comment. But the situation was too pressing to even smile. 

Wait, with Herobrine gone, you could find a way to escape! Maybe you could break out a window, or hide in a trash or laundry bin. But, you could also, possibly, wait for a better time. Who knows, it is probably unlikely, but maybe you kinda want to stay.. So, here are the options plain and simple, stay, or leave.

[To stay, go to page: --> "Camper"] (hint hint, I suggest you choose "Camper" :>  ..) 

[To leave, flee over to page: --> "Escape Artist"] 

( :0 200 reads?!? Already!? That's so cool!! Thanks everyone :) 

{FRQ: If you had to choose between a magical fridge and true love, which would be your pick?} 

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