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(I know, you guys probably really want me to get to the choices and such, but I need to lay down the foundation first, so don't worry... Also, I entered in the WATTYS 2019! Yea! I hope it gets at least 500th place. :) ANYWAYS, ON WITH THE STORY! 

Your own painfully tight muscles decided to wake you up that time. You groaned and rolled over, still mostly asleep. Wait, you weren't sitting anymore. You were sunken deep in the soft mattress. At least deep to you. Like you were stuck in a mold of yourself. It was hard simply to just roll over. 

When you were still half asleep you felt something gently rest on your side. A big snake?! Was your first thought. You almost screamed, but realized it was just an arm. JUST AN ARM?! You almost screamed yet again. That time you tried to jump, but that command wasn't followed and instead you hit the hand off you with your arm that wasn't under the pillow, providing support for your head. 

"Ah, finally awake (Y/n)?" Herobrine asked in a quiet tone, but not a whisper. You answered with a moan as you rolled onto your stomach, put the pillow you were resting your head on over your head, and tried to block out the world. You felt divits in the bed around you and could tell Herobrine was moving around. Then he practically landed on you, sitting on your back like a horse, and shook you a little like a child trying to wake their parents on Christmas morning. You just shrieked into the mattress and hoped he would go away if you stayed still enough. The shaking turned into him massaging your sore shoulders. As gentle as he was, your shoulders were still sore, and that meant it hurt. You growled at the pain and he instead massaged your back.. and sides. But you were stuck that time and couldn't shout 'potty' like before. 


"Goawayplease.." You groaned with miserable annoyance clear in your voice. 

"No, you need to wake up." Herobrine chuckled. You groaned again and stayed quiet with the hope that he would just leave. Since Herobrine was real, maybe Notch was too, and maybe Notch would magically appear and save you from your miserable moment of despair, of hugs. 

But, unfortunately, however many times you counted down to some magical distraction, none came. Herobrine eventually got a little annoyed. 

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." He chanted like a little kid would. 

"Alright fine!" You finally gave in and Herobrine left you and let you get up on your own. When you almost rolled back over into bed, Herobrine grabbed your hand and tugged a little so you knew he wasn't going to let that happen. With a bit of coaxing from Herobrine, you finally got out of bed. Your feet were wobbly under your body and you sat on a little stool near the bed for a little break. A little moment to get used to the fact that you were really awake. A little moment to groan about how Herobrine and the magical universe of his wasn't all just a long dream. 

"Here you go, Iron Flower." Herobrine chuckled as he came back from a dresser and handed you a folded outfit you were not bothered to unfold yet; but you made sure to show him an annoyed face for the name. 

"Don't call me that." You scowled. Herobrine's smile slowly dropped, as if that had actually affected him.

"Nah, it fits you." He smirked once again. Instead of arguing, you just rolled your eyes and stood to walk towards the bathroom. 

Once the bathroom door was shut behind you -- you being inside -- you finally unfolded the outfit. You were almost surprised to see it wasn't just some outfit too small for Herobrine anymore. It was a complete girl outfit; and it was just your style, favorite colors and everything. You quickly got excited and put it on right away. Herobrine was quite surprised when you walked out the bathroom with a smile on your face. Herobrine himself was wearing the typical Herobrine atire again. He smiled for some reason like a mom or dad on their daughter's wedding day. 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now