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(You decided to follow Steve's wishes and heal yourself, so you can get going as soon as possible. After: "Waiter") 

It was the following morning after you had agreed to drink the healing potion. Steve had insisted he would be fine, and you believed him. He had lived here for so long afterall. It was almost a little sad that he had been here for whatever reason, most likely stuck; but you didn't feel like being too nosy. He had promised he would tell tomorrow anyways. 

Anyway, you woke up a little earlier than expected and waited a minute or two for your guide to wake up as well. He woke up not long after you and came thumping down the stairs of his small one bedroom house tiredly. Without even saying morning, he walked into the kitchen and prepared some food for the trip, as well as breakfast. You offered to help, but he insisted he was perfectly capable. He was looking just fine anyways, only a little tired. When he sat down in one of the sofas with some freshly cooked chicken and bread for breakfast, handing you some too, he finally began speaking. 

"So, um, I bet you are wondering things like who I am, why I am here, and how and where you will return. All those answers are pretty simple actually." He began speaking. "There is a portal not far from here, just a short four to five hour hike up the mountains, depending on our speed of course.." He paused for you to ask any questions on your mind, but you couldn't think of any at that moment and he continued on his own. "A-hm! Well, my name is Steve. That you know. Um, I am most likely acousin of Herobrine. It is a kind of weird relation however, especially since I never really knew my parents or anyone else who could tell me exactly where I fit on the family tree. Who knows, we could even be twins with our similar-ish ages!.. He's probably like, what, 1,000 or something?!.. Whatever!.. So, however I fit, I too was raised in that castle I am sure is still standing. I believe I was being trained to be some kind of hunter. Someone who could work alongside the king in tracking someone. I was only maybe thirteen at the time so the training wasn't too hard from what I remember. I didn't like it, however. I didn't like the idea of killing people who just wanted to protect the innocent. Now, remember that this was before the two realities swapped.. You see, I started to get a little rebellious. Before I could count the months that had gone by, I was on the complete opposite side from my family. When the realities were swapped later that year, I was banished to the Minecraft half, where no one really lived.. Now, this place is known as nothing but a large prison. Supposedly the best place to punish those who really need it... That would be.. if I wasn't here.. Ever since I arrived here I have been, 'The Gate Keeper.." Steve explained. You said a little something in response, depending on how you felt about what he had just told you. 

After some more conversation between the two of you, your meal was finished and as soon as possible, the two of you headed for that portal Steve spoke of. From the way Steve explained it, it seemed like there were several entrances into this reality, but only one exit. 

"Now, be careful, (Y/n)," You had already told him your name, "because of all the swapping, this place is pretty unpredictable. Make sure you don't touch anything, especially things that move! A-achoo!" The man warned you as the two of you exited the front door of his small but peaceful house, leaving the sweet puppy behind. Right away you spotted a muddy trail that stretched onward right in front of you. Steve lead the way along the trail.. Other than a few sniffles, Steve was doing really good. Your little quest continued on, only interrupted by a small sneezing fit, which caused him to blindly use a couple leaves to blow his nose before heading back on track...

"I think I blew my nose using one of those- *hiccup*-hm, leaves." Steve wavered in his steps after several hours along the hike. His whole form slowly began rocking side to side as if he were standing on the deck of a ship. 

"..Oh no.." You whispered to yourself. "Steve, I think we should turn around maybe. You really have been kind to me and I don't want you to get hurt." You stepped back to turn around. 

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