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(Before you start:

Oh yeah, you are 18 years old at this point. If you are older than that then just say it is your possible past self or something. And if you are younger than 18 then just imagine yourself a few years older. And yes the age thing has importance to the story. Don't judge my logic!... And a majority of this takes place outside Minecraft. So no blockyness.)

You laid in bed and just stared at the ceiling with nothing else to do. It had just passed midnight and you STILL couldn't go to sleep. You had tried out just about everything at that point: counting imaginary sheep, singing yourself to sleep, rocking yourself to sleep, hiding yourself under the covers completely and rolling yourself in the blankets like a big burrito, doing exercises until your body was all tired, but nothing seemed to work. Your eyes just didn't want to close, as if expecting something.

Suddenly, you heard an odd noise and a flash of blinding light beside your bed, forcing you to duck under your covers. When you slid your eyes back from behind the blanket, you saw the silhouette of a dude. You were already pretty frozen by fear but froze even more when your eyes met with two glowing white ones. You had heard of Herobrine before but never really cared too much for the legends. Who am I kidding, you were oddly obsessed with the stories and read almost every book about him you could get your hands on!

He moved only an inch to shift his weight and you peeped from under the covers in fear. The possible Herobrine-dude seemed to lose interest in you, and instead looked around your room at all of your things. He seemed a bit snoopy when he picked up a few old toys or plastic trophies off your shelves and examined them before putting them back in almost the same place. You just watched him silently as he did so, slowly sitting up in bed and readying yourself to jump up and run to the kitchen where you could grab a knife to use in order to defend yourself.

It was impossible for Herobrine to actually be real, but he seemed pretty real with him standing just before you. Maybe it was just some really weird trick. Possibly some sort of prank.

"Heh, believe it or not, I'm real." He snickered lowly. It made you shake to think that he might have just read your mind. "Oh, and I can't really read minds like in the stories you all read and write about me. Well, I guess I can sometimes. But most of the time it is just the basic emotions, thoughts, etc." He explained. You felt a tad more comfortable, since he was talking so casually; and you sat up a little more.

"Listen, whoever you are: leave!" You demanded. The glowing eyes flickered a little and he just stared at you, looking as if he had expected something a little nicer from your mouth.

"Whoever I am? Isn't it obvious?" The guy chuckled. "I'm Herobrine: the one and only." You could hear him smile at the last bit, which only made you frown. Herobrine then turned and picked up one of your most treasured possessions, holding it delicately as if he knew it's importance to you. You tensed while watching him hold the thing you cared most about among all the things, little and big, on your shelf.

"P- put that down!" You demanded with a bit of a plead as well. "What are you even doing here?!" Herobrine didn't turn to you or anything.. but you could tell he had heard you due to his stillness.

"You can learn a lot about someone by how they decorate their room.. However I already know who you are and much, much more." He said, sounding creepy at that point. He then gently set your item on the shelf and turned to you. "Your name is (Y/n)(L/n). Daughter of (D/n) and (M/n). Descended from man. I even know that: (your deepest DARKEST secret :)"

"Wai- waa!?" You jumped back in surprise. How did he know?! He might be Herobrine after all! Herobrine chuckled at your little jump and you thought you could see a slight smile on his face in the darkness. Other than that, you kind of had to fill in the blanks about his looks based on pictures and descriptions of him.

Finally getting your mind unfogged, you jumped up to sprint outta' there. However, you only managed to crawl on your knees to the edge of your bed before Herobrine reacted, lifting his hand up, seemingly doing nothing. However, once his fingers were pointed to you, your head began to spin; and you suddenly felt the drowsiness you had wished for earlier. Soon after, you fell back onto your bed, asleep. At least you were finally able to have that rest you had been eagerly waiting for. Herobrine smirked as he watched you fall over and waited a second or two before picking you up like a big baby. Herobrine then teleported away..

He reappeared in a world that was oddly like Minecraft, but not blocky. It was a weird mixture of two separate realities. Once on the green landscape, Herobrine waited a moment before teleporting again. He appeared once again in-front of a castle. It was large and made of stone, concrete, which I guess is technically stone, steal, obsidian, and a bunch of other stuff that helped decorate the large structure. Herobrine entered through a side door with workers of all kinds: mainly zombies and zombie pigmen; either cleaning, hauling stuff, cooking, etc. Unlike the world however, they were blocky, just more detailed. A skeleton with armor walked up to Herobrine and bowed before him. 

"Um, Prince Herobrine, who is this?" He politely asked Herobrine with a deep voice. 

"Ugh! I prefer, 'Lord Herobrine." Herobrine scowled, he would have rolled his eyes if he could. "And, um, this is just an old friend." He then handed you to the skeleton and the skeleton looked at you curiously. 

"Oh, urr, Lord Herobrine.. Where will she be staying?" The skeleton questioned. 

"The Camp." Herobrine said plainly. The skeleton jumped back in shock.

"Wh- what?! That place is for criminals!" The skeleton squeaked in protest. 

"I think I know my own prison! I want to know if she is strong enough. Just a couple years will do." Herobrine said. 

"J- j- what!? A few years?! What could she have ever done to deserve such torture?!" The skeleton -- being on your side -- pleaded.

"Shut Up already!! I have all this planned out you, Descendant of The Dead!!" The angry lord snapped. The skeleton shrunk in fear of him and nodded slowly. Then, you were carried the rest way, to your doom.

[Next, go to page: --> "Slave"]

{Fun random question: if you were going to be turned into whatever animal by magic, which animal would you least likely want to be?}

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