Cliff Hanger

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(I had forgotten that I even had written "Unexpected" yet. So, this is a continuation of that.) 

Your eyes were stuck wide open as you stared down a gaping gorge. It looked like a two to three-hundred foot drop. You gulped, worried that even a movement that small would cause your demise. In your hands you held the steering wheel firmly, your palms turning white by your tight squeeze. You and your entire vehicle were somehow dangling off the cliff, maybe only a single thick branch keeping you from falling. 

"(Y/n)!" Ev called with worry down to you. You felt a couple pebbles fall on your back as you heard the other young lady carefully step closer. She must have not fallen as far as you. "Stay COMPLETELY still, (Y/n). I'll lower a rope down to you. You need to grab it and hold tightly before attempting to un buckle." You just nodded, favoring your survival over some argument. You then heard Ev run off, leaving you alone to do nothing but try to stay calm. You wanted to scream so badly but no sound came out. 

After a few seconds that felt like minutes, you heard some motor noises from afar slowly come closer. Those engine noises, though not that distinguishable, did sound different from the ones your and Ev's cars had made. They almost sounded like that person's vehicle, the one you had saved earlier. Hope suddenly lifted you as you thought of how amazing it was that the person you had saved before was returning to save the day! How nice of them. 

"Hey! Yes! Over here!" Ev noticed them as well, and made it sound like she was coaxing them to help. The vehicle came right up close enough to the cliff before stopping alltogether. "Yess!" Ev exclaimed, walking up to the vehicle by the sound of it. It was mostly quiet for a moment. All you could hear were the faint noises of a car door opening and a pair of feet landing on the black corse rocks that covered everywhere. "So glad you came. We really need the hel-" There was a sudden pause. "Wait, what?! I, I killed-"


A gun was fired, and the sound of something the size of a potato sack hitting the floor replayed in your ears. You held your breath. Not knowing what to think. This person... did, did they just kill Ev? Heavy metal kladded footsteps slowly prowled over to the cliff, closer to you. Your face almost purple, you finally let yourself breathe a tiny bit. 

Unexpectedly, a large, metal claw, like one of those things you use to pick up toys in arcades but much stronger, grabbed your shoulder. 

"Unbuckle yourself." The voice you had never heard before, yet recognized like it was your own, commanded. A fat tear swelled in each of your eyes as you thought of the possible reality that Ev had died, and who this person really was. If you guessed right, this lady knew exactly who you were. You slowly obeyed her commands and unbuckled yourself. The claw-hand clanked and began lifting you up out of your seet. You aided it in maneuvering between the chairs and out the windowless back. Once you pushed off the back of the car to propelled yourself up a little quicker, the old sturdy root holding it snapped; and the entire car fell with it down to the bottom of the ravine. You watched as it fell, until it landed with a small explosion, reminding you to figure out what had really been going on. You turned mid air, no longer dangling off the cliff but still right next to it, and looked at who had just "saved" you. When you saw the person's body, you recognized them immediately as the one you had saved, but when you saw their face. That was when your wildest idea was proven, as correct. 

"What? Never thought you would ever see yourself in anything other than a reflection?" The other person smirked. It was you. You2. Same age, same looks, exactly the same except the added scars and metal armor. And this you looked twice as intimidating. What do you think of this other you? Do you think they want to kill you, like what might have happened to Ev? Or do you think this other you is nice, and will help you get back to Herobrine? It's for you to decide. 

[Trust yourself: "Intelligent"]

[Don't trust yourself: "Brave"] 

(Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. There are several reasons, ones I have are ready said before. But one of those reasons is just that I have felt a little unmotivated lately. So don't fear, I will continue writing until the very end, but I will stick to writing the paths I like the most first. So if your favorite path isn't being updated, let me know, and I will try to make that my next priority. I really do like knowing which paths you guys like so I can know which chapter to write next. Anyways, bye!) 

{FRQ: What is the fastest you have ever run?} 

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