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TWO Years Later

You couldn't believe it. TWO YEARS?! It wasn't too long ago when you were told just how long you had been in that camp of despair. Nothing but constant work and very little sleep. Hardly enough to survive. Other prisoners dropped left and right of exhaustion. Thankfully, however, there was a nice skeleton who made sure you had a little extra rest, food, and water than the others; but you still lived miserably in that death camp

You swung your pickaxe into the wet ground once again. Muddy water splashed into your face every time your tool made impact. You were so muddy it was hard for even you to recognize yourself. Not like there were any mirrors, though. Your muscles had passed the numbing point years ago and you could no longer think of words to describe how you felt. Every single muscle was tense and painful. Everywhere, you had little cuts from scraping your leg on a root or rock or even accidentally dropping your pickaxe on yourself. The mud made the darn thing hard to hold. At least you were fitter than you had ever been in your life. Most of that was due to starving and endless work.. however. 

But, at least you weren't all alone. Your best buddy, who you had met on the first day, was there by your side almost all the time. Her name was simply: Ĕv. She had long hazel brown hair that was always tied up in a ponytail and the worthless salvages of her glasses still on her face. And she was the one who had been kind enough to explain stuff to you as you two worked. 

Apperantly, unlike your first thought, you were not inside the old game: Minecraft. Ev had explained through time that you must have come from an unaltered dimension, because the one you were in currently had been messed with hundreds of years back by Herobrine and a few others Ev never talked about. Ev said that a long time ago Earth and Minecraftia swapped realities by some kind of magic used by Herobrine and the others. It sounded impossibly stupid, but I guess maybe Herobrine was just really bored and wanted to live inside Minecraft and the real world at the same time. Ev went in depth to talk more about how all of that had been possible, but most of it had to do with confusing math so you blanked out during most of it. 

Somewhere within the first few weeks, you had asked about why the mobs out of everything were blocky and the trees and everything else wasn't. Your question was once again answered with a bunch of sciencey stuff that you ended up forgetting pretty quickly. But you were able to understand a little bit about binary turning into DNA being hard and that with things that already existed on Earth it was easy; but with things like zombies -- that don't exist on earth -- it was a little harder, and, therefore, they just ended up a little more detailed than inside the game and nothing else. Which, I guess was all you really needed to know anyways. 

"Hey, Ev~" you said smoothly to let her know, 'the question' was comming up. "So, how did you get in here anyways?" You asked while keeping yourself focused on the muddy rocks. You, a bunch of prisoners, and many zombies, pigmen, and other opperant useless mobs, were digging a large ditch to get rid of water shedding into some part of the castle. Not like your work ever seemed to really matter. 

Ev groaned with irretation as her pickaxe, which was too big for her -- just like yours -- dug into the hard, dirty stone. You kind of wished this really was Minecraft so mining would much easier. 

"I told you. I don't tell." She said blankly. You just waited with the same persistence you kept all those years. She would eventually have to give in some day. 

"Oh come on. I have been wondering for two years now, and will most likely continued for yet another two or more years!" You sort of moaned. Ev smiled for some reason. 

"Not if my plan carries out well it won't." She smirked as she looked over her shoulder at you. 

"You have another escape plan?!" You squealed quietly enough so no one else could hear. Ev just nodded with a sly smile on her face. She always seemed to be thinking of new escape plans. Several had almost gotten you and her out of there. You frowned when you realized she had just diverted your attention from your question. 

"Tell me the escape plan, but first. I still want to know how you ended up in here." You laid out plainly for Ev to process. Ev sighed, half in defeat and half in annoyance. 

"Hhh! Fine." Ev groaned. She then looked up at you with an unsure look of some kind. "Simple things simple, I, um, killed one of Herobrine's best friends.." She said with erasing emotion. "But that was because they attacked me first!" She then jumped to defend.  

"Oh." You said solidly when you finally had the answer. "Um, what was his friend like? How could someone even be friends with a guy like Herobrine?" You asked. Ev just looked at you with another puzzling look. 

"Well, um, the friend was pretty evil for sure. Always unpredictable, like Herobrine. That's probably how they ended up friends." She said. You just looked at your arms that had been swinging at the ground the entire time. The pain of the constant motion was brought back to you. Your muscles more like burning rocks at that point. 

"..What is the plan?" You finally asked with a slight huff as you brought your pickaxe down on the muddy earth. Ev smiled at that question. 

"Okay, unlike the other times, we actually have help from the outside. A few of my old friends found a way to contact me and came up with a plan. I have the little map they gave me in my pocket... First, what we need to do is wait until night. Luckily for us, tonight is the perfect time to escape, and my friends have already decided to show up after dark in a few hours. For the past few days, my friends and whoever they had said were helping, started digging a tunnel under the security walls. They said tonight that they would finally break into the camp, hence why tonight is the perfect night. The guards shouldn't expect much since we have been pretty good girls lately. But this plan should hopefully break out everyone. Not just us two... When the hole has appeared; the zombies, pigmen, and other mob prisoners already agreed to create a distraction of any kind so us human prisoners can escape. Pretty selfless of them for sure... Once the distraction has been made, I and my friends will help guide you and the others out to safety. Hopefully, we will all get away." Ev told you. 

"But, I want to help." You said. 

"And you will be helping the others out as well. Just, not the injured ones or anything. I don't want you to be harmed any further by this world. And even though I do not know why you are here, I know it isn't because of anything you have done. Unlike some of us here, you deserve your freedom." Ev said plainly. 

"But, you killed one of Herobrine's friends. That shouldn't really be considered bad if they were evil." You pointed out. Ev just sighed. 

"Possibly.. But now, I am sure that somehow, I could have changed them.. Maybe I could have helped them see the evil inside their heart and help her, not kill them." 

"Her?" You asked with a tilted head. 

"Oh, yeah. I guess that was some information I didn't tell." Ev cleared her throat a little. You couldn't help but feel as if there was still something she wasn't telling you. But you shrugged it off and began imagining the night of escape. 

But wait, with so many people, it would be almost impossible to help them all escape. Even if the mobs happened to put on an amazing show to distracted the guards, someone would eventually find out... Would you go with the plan and only help those who were with you? Those who could keep up?.. Or would you help Ev; staying behind and helping her guide the injured and keeping the guards back? The choice was yours, and it still is.

[Go with the plan --> "Survivor"]

[Help Ĕv --> "Fighter"]

(The " " is the page you would flip to to continue. If the book is not completed and you are left at a dead end, feel free to comment saying whichever chapter you would prefer be written next. That way I can know what path you all want me to finish, and you get to read what you want sooner.)

{FRQ: if you had to choose one group of people (like a school friend group or popular band) to survive an apocalypse with, which group would you choose?}

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