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(After "Loner") 

You had made your decision, you would call Herobrine. Sure he was in an entirely different dimension, but he could just teleport, right?.. With a shakey hand you pressed call on the first button, and put the phone to your ear anxiously for a response. It took several tries before you finally got a response. 

""Ugh stop calling me! I'm-busy!"" He groaned, sounding worried and angry together. Before he could hang up you let out a little sound for help. You were too cold to even properly speak. 

"H- Her- r- r- oo.." You managed to get out. You began swaying a little to keep yourself a little warmer, but it didn't help much. 

""(Y/n)?! Oh my is that you!? Where are you?! You sound like you are freezing!"" Herobrine's rushed words flooded out. You tried to talk but were too cold. Around you it looked like even some of the rain was turning into ice. Some little pieces of ice even hit your head and back a little. Herobrine could tell you couldn't answer him, so he took things into his own hands. ""I'll track your phone (Y/n)! Hang in there!"" He pleaded. You wanted to hang in there just as much as he did, so you began walking again to keep yourself warmer. No matter where you went, there was no sign of trees anywhere. ""Okay I found your signal (Y/n)! Stay where you are-"" the call was cut off when the water finally leaked into the phone. But.. you couldn't stay where you were. You would freeze for sure. He's lived much longer than you though. He probably knows what's best.. right? 

Luckily you found a handy way around this. You started doing exercises where you stood, waiting for your rescue to come. Minutes felt like hours and your bones felt like ice. Your skin was hot, so hot in fact that you felt the need to take off any excess clothing. Fortunately you knew this was just a trick your body played on itself when it really just needed to warm up. You endured the heat and even tried rubbing your arms and legs to warm up. The water dripping down crystallized on your clothes and even hair so you felt a whole lot heavier. And the tiredness started setting in. It was a tiredness unlike any you had felt before. Even that trance Herobrine put you under wasn't so weird. This felt like everything was getting ready to sleep, forever. 

After what seemed like hours but was in reality only abut five minutes, you sank down to the floor on your knees. You felt so cold you wanted to hurl. Everything was out of whack and your vision began failing you. Little black dots danced in the corners of your eyes as if taunting you to just close them already. You began wondering if any medical or even magical treatment could cure you. And for the first time, you wondered if you would really die. 

"(Y/n)!! (Y/n), where are you!" The distance voice of Herobrine was heard. New hope filled your freezing heart and you mustered just enough strength to turn on your knees to see him running towards you. The moment you felt his warm hands on your achingly freezing arms you were filled with sudden peace that you would be okay. That everything would be fine. You were finally safe. "Oh my gosh, (Y/n), I am so sorry. How did you even get out here?" Herobrine spoke softly as he picked you up in his arms, his body radiating heat you so desperately needed. "Grrr, too risky to teleport you through dimensions with you so weak." Herobrine growled lowly. 

"Just... please.." You breathed. You knew you could make it. You were strong. You could do it. As long as he was there, you would survive. 

"Alright, but I'll kill you if you die on me." Herobrine chuckled to cover up the insane amount of fear inside his heart. You closed your eyes and fought the pain that surged with the teleportation. Once you two were back in the real world it was still cold and wet, and thunder roared, but you could tell it was real life because neither you or Herobrine were blocky anymore. "Okay, just one more teleport and we'll be-" Herobrine stopped the moment he felt your temperature drop even lower. Any more teleporting and you would surely die. And any longer outside and you could still die. Good news for him, there was a little cave not too far away. Herobrine quickly ran to the cave with you in his arms, mumbling under his breath most likely things of regret. 

In mere moments there was a nice fire in front of Herobrine, who sat back against the cave wall with you still in his arms. He held you tight to keep as much heat in as possible, and as much cold out as possible. You were finally safe. You had a nice toasty fire slowly warming you up. And you had Herobrine taking good care of you. You could finally rest. Your eyes slowly closed and you calmed down. 

"(Y/n)?." Herobrine asked softly. You were too tired to answer. You needed as much rest as possible for tomorrow. Who knew what was next?! Your heart slowed with the peace that overtook you. "(Y/n)?!. Don't fall asleep. Stay with me (Y/n)!"  Herobrine suddenly spoke oh so sternly. You found it a little annoying. All you wanted to do was sleep and save up energy for the next day. Staying up any longer would just make things worse. Your muscles loosened, your hand let go of Herobrine's and dropped to the floor. That time he shook you hoping you wouldn't go to sleep. You were so annoyed with that, you wished you could slap his hand.. but you were too tired to do anything really. "..No! (Y/n)! Don't go into the light!. Please!.. I need you.." Herobrine's voice was filled with so much dread it puzzled you. What was he talking about? There was no light. "..I- I love you.." He said in a whispered tone, squeezing you tightly. Aww, so sweet. You would make sure to return it, in the morning though. You were just.. too.. tired... Your breathing, slowed to a stop. Herobrine pleaded more for you to return to him, for you to stop joking, for you to just wake up already. But he was too late.. You were already.. dead. 

[The End]  -9/25/19

{FRQ: How does this ending make you feel?} 

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