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(Along the choice "Survivor" and after chapter "Guest")

(Okay so I did kind of copy and paste a little here. So I'll have a little bookmark for those who read "Climber" and just came back to see how this turns out. BTW, thanks for all the stars. It really helps me know you guys are enjoying the story.) 

It was finally the day you were waiting for. Either with excitement of escaping, or a little excitement in actually getting married. Either way, the day had finally come. You were dressed in (your favorite dress) and a lite tiara on your head decorated with many little diamonds.

"Are you ready Miss?" A young maid asked you.

"Ready as I'll ever be." You said with worry clear on your face.

The large doors before you opened up and you saw the grand rectangular room with rows of pews and beautiful stain glass windows letting light of all sorts of colors in. And the walls and ceiling were like those in the rest of the castle. So decorated it could take you hours to look at it all and still catch something new.

You walked rather gracefully to your surprise down the isle. Pretty white, pink, and red flower petals cluttered on the rug under you. Looking down at them, you felt a little bad crushing such pretty petals. When you looked directly in front of you you saw Herobrine himself standing there with pink cheeks and the largest smile you had seen on his face before.

Your face turned a dark shade of pink as you saw him. Whether you liked it or not, you were getting married. And either way, you felt nowhere CLOSE to ready. Especially ready to be a queen.

You had learned nothing expected of you other than a few manners here and there. Luckily throughout the week the current queen had taught you all sorts of stuff, which just somehow made you feel a little worse knowing how much you didn't know. At least you had learned that in this kingdom the royalty are a lot freer to do things, unlike shows you had seen or books you had read where the royal family was very strict. But there was still a lot to learn.

You then looked to your left where you saw farmiliar faces. It was your family! Herobrine had been kind enough to bring them. Most of them knew what was really going on and looked a little sad for you, but some of the more stupid members of your family had big smiles on as they looked at your pretty dress and the lovely decorations.

Once you were up on the stage that was only about a foot above the rest of the floor, the old man with short white hair and impossibly squint eyes that made you wonder if he was actually reading the book, or had just memorized it.

"And by the power invested in the royal family of Minecraftia, I now pronounce you, hu-" He said, before being interrupted. 

-_-_-(Bookmark: for those who want to skip some) 

Hold up! Yes, you! Now you really think this is just going to end up like some kind of rip-off chapter that ends the same way as the other one just because I am feelin' a little lazy?! Na-ah! I have an entirely different plan for this path! :> 

Suddenly, right as Herobrine was about to kiss you and claim you as his, the scieling right above you two fell apart. Herobrine quickly pushed you out of the way of the falling rubble and barely jumped back in time do dodge it himself. You expected something bizarre to happen next. However it was a little simpler than you had expected. 

Ev dropped down from the roof by rope and grabed your arm immediately. 

"Told you I'd get us both out of here." She smiled at you. Then she tugged on the roap and was pulled back up, along with you. 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now