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(You chose to help Ĕv)

The sun slowly dropped behind the horizon and the sky became darker than normal as you and the other twenty to thirty prisoners, who share a tent waited patiently in the tent. Ev told you to stay with the others, but you wanted to help. So you decided to wait only a little bit before sneaking out to help. 

Slowly, you got up. Several whispered to you to sit back down and wait as you crept to the exit of the tent. When you stepped out you saw Ev not too far in front of you, sneaking some fireworks out of a box in the supplies section. Once she left, you snuck over to the box as well and looked in. All that were left were some silly looking chicken fireworks. Those might work. You grabbed a few and a couple matches. Then you looked around for Ev. She stood still by the edge of a tent waiting for a signal or something. 

The faint sounds of digging was heard and you saw a hole fall in near you and soon after three guys crawled out of the hole carefully and waved over at Ev. Ev smiled bigger than you had ever seen her smile before and she made a little bird whistle sound with her fingers. Then everything erupted into chaos. The sound of distant moans from zombies grew to a roar and arrows shot up at the towers, knocking down any unattentive guards. You watched with a mixture of excitement and horror as zombies, skeletons, and pigmen clashed with the guards, who were mostly human. Ev and her friends took that as their opening. Soon almost a hundred people pored from their tents and down the hole. Ev ran around the camp as the fight continued, setting off fireworks to cause even more confusion. 

 When you realized you were supposed to be helping, you sprinted off opposite from Ev and set off a few chicken fireworks and threw them into the air to hopefully draw some guards away from her. The chicken fireworks made hilarious little cackling noises before exploding that you couldn't help but laugh at. The fight came closer and closer until before you could realize it, you were in the dead center of the chaos and bloodshed. Mobs and guards dropped like flies in the midst of battle and the sight made your stomach tense. You couldn't help but wonder if some of the guards were just as innocent as you were. Perhaps you were going to be a guard, but were seen as too weak or something and became a slave instead. 

You ducked and dodged under, over, and around arrows and swords aiming at other targets. You had to find and help Ev. So quickly you ran through the battle and looked for your friend. It was an all out war. Then finally, you saw Ev. She was still busy setting off her last few fireworks. When she looked up at you her face changed to a worried one. 

"(Y/n)!? What are you doing here?!" She shouted. "Go to the hole now!" You felt almost a little sad that she didn't want your help. 

"I came to help!" You shouted over the battle as you continued to run closer. Ev shook her head against your willingness to help. 

"No! You don't understand! You are supposed to escape! You are far too valuable to let die in this war, now LEAVE!!" Ev that time screamed at you as a demand. You just shook your head. 

"No. I already made my choice. I am going to help whether you like it or not." You told her, finally close enough to put your hand on her shoulder. She just looked at you with a look of anger, regret, sadness, and a little relief. 

"Fine. Here." Ev then handed you her remaining two fireworks. "Better make these count." Then she ran off to do her own thing. You had already lit fireworks however. They didn't seem to do much. But, you decided to be a good sport and light them off before running to go find Ev again. You lit one right where you were quickly and ran off to light the next, several tents away. After you lit the second one you turned the opposite direction where Ev had run to. Then once again you ran through the battle, looking around for Ev once again. 

Once you were in the very center of the war, you could tell. The tents were on fire, blazing in the background, and bodies scattered the floor in the mud. After a couple spin arounds, you saw Ev jabbing a soldier in the gut. When you had your full attention on her you watched as she grabbed the same soldier's throat and yanked it so hard it tore open and killed the man immediately. You felt queasy by such a gruesome kill. Ev looked back at you and looked worried for your life again. 

"(Y/n)!!!" She shouted as she eyed something behind you. You turned just in time to see a guard swing his sword at you horizontally. You made yourself fall down on your hands and knees and just barely missed certain death. Since you were already down there you stuck your leg out behind you and spun around so you kicked the guard's legs. Either that was a good kick or the guard just had really bad ballance, because just as you hoped, he fell down onto his back. Before you could process what to do next Ev jumped right over you and onto the guard, giving yet another gruesome kill. Sickening, but you guess without any weapons there wasn't really any better plan. Ev then picked up the sword he had dropped and used that to kill another by her. You looked around for a fallen sword but all of them seemed to have been taken by the zombies or skeletons without weapons already. Ev jumped beside you and deflected an arrow you hadn't even seen coming. 

After a few long minutes the battle seemed to calm down a little. It looked like the mobs were winning but the guards were still holding out pretty well. Ev killed the nearest guard to you two and looked you in the eyes and smiled. She seemed so glad you were okay. She looked like she was suddenly moved to tell you something, but didn't want to shout. So she quickly walked over to you and began speaking normally. 

"(Y/n).. Funny thing is.. the reason I was so worried was because, well other than that we are friends and all. But still, I was worried becau-" Ev was interrupted, by a blade, right through her chest, poking from behind. You jumped back in shock and watched like a statue as Ev dropped to the floor, dead...

And behind her, was Herobrine. "I should have killed her long ago.." Herobrine growled as he looked down angerly at Ev's body. Then he looked up at you. For some reason when he looked at you, he didn't look cocky, villainous, vile, evil, outraged, frustrated, outlandish, flabbergasted, happy, creepy, or anything similar. He looked, worried, like Ev had not too long ago. But you couldn't stop but look between him and your bestie, who was now dead on the floor. Herobrine didn't seem to notice your state because he ran up after a few moment pause and hugged you so tightly you couldn't even think of escaping. But why the hug?! If anything he would be killing you too. His grip happened to loosen a little and you took that moment to wiggle out and glare up at him, sticking your fists out in front of you as you did so. Again Herobrine looked as if he wasn't expecting that. But you wanted to be the one to ask the questions.

"Why!?" You shouted with anger and sadness, maybe a little fear too. 

"Why what?" Herobrine asked as if he had literally no idea what you were talking about. 

"Why did you kill her!?!" You demanded as you gestured to the body of Ev, which was by then a little to your left and in front of you, closer to her killer. Herobrine didn't even need to look down to know who you were talking about. He sighed an undecisive sigh. He then came closer than comfortable and put his hands around your waste loosely and looked down into your terrified eyes. For some reason you just couldn't move. Like his magic was holding you there. 

Then he very softly whispered in almost a sad tone, "I didn't want to lose you too..." Then you felt yourself suddenly become tired like you had when Herobrine had first taken you. You fought it but ended up stumbling onto Herobrine for support. He held you up so you wouldn't fall onto your face. Then, the world turned black.. 

[Go to page: "Pet"]

{FRQ: If you had to name yourself after a candy, what would your new name be?} 

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