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(soon after page "Immortal")

After the music ended it was then that you finally realized how much time had flown by. Already the sun was setting and people were going outside onto the balconies to watch the sun as it set. Many of the guests left around that time. They had been there, maybe even shook your hand or bowed to their new princess, but it was time for them to leave. The remaining people were either high officials or relatives of either you or Herobrine, who you followed onto one of the large balconies. The sunset was so pretty, with at least forty different colors dancing above the small clouds. It was a sight you thought you would never see before in your life. 

"What do you think?" Herobrine turned to ask you after a couple solid minutes of looking at the sky. 

"It's... amazing." You smiled, taking a moment to try and find the right word. You had to settle for 'amazing' in the end. Herobrine smiled back at you, as if proud of this world you were in.. Oh yeah, you had been taken from your home.. 

"Yeah, it is. And I can't wait to show you-" You interrupted, let's just call him Hero from now on, with a thought of your own.

"Hero?" You decided to call him. He didn't seem to mind the nickname but wondered why you had spoken over him when for so long you had seemed so quiet. "Why was I taken from my home in the first place, EXACTLY?" 

Hero sighed and thought of how to answer as he leaned his elbows on the balcony rails. "Well, you see.. I loved you first. I just didn't know how else to get you to feel the same way.." He sighed. "But, I am sorry. I truly am."

You chuckled. "I think I got that the first time." Which let Hero smile again, though that time a little more faintly.

"Anyway, (Y/n), I was hoping that you wouldn't mind looking around the world a little. You know, exploring it a bit. For our honeymoon." It was odd hearing that. (and even more odd writing that XD) 

"Sure! What place do you have in mind?" You asked with excitement, happy to be able to see the world. 

"I have several options actually. Each of them are in entirely different places, all over the world. But, if you don't like any of them, then I guess we could always just stay here." Hero

"What sort of options?" You then asked with a smile. 

"Well, there is a nice log cabin in the prettiest mountains, a sweet house on the best beach in the world, a simple lake estate, don't know why but an underground mansion in the desert is always an option, a little terrace in the most beautiful city, or maybe even just a simple little house just outside one of the cutest little towns." He listed. Oooooo, time to make another choice. :D

[a nice log cabin in the prettiest mountains: "Beauty"]

[a sweet house on the best beach in the world: "Sublime"]

[a simple lake estate: "Voguish"]

[don't know why but an underground mansion in the desert is always an option: "Aloof"]

[a little terrace in the most beautiful city: "Modish"]

[or maybe even just a simple little house just outside one of the cutest little towns: "Sterling"]

[ooorrrrrr, just stay home in the comfort of your new palace: "Welcomed"]

{FRQ: If you had a pet panda, what would you name it?}

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now