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(Right after: "Indecisive" ..You chose to stick to your original decision and not forgive Herobrine)

"I.. I'm sorry..." You sniffled under stress, burying your face into the hug, hoping it isn's visible. Both you and Herobrine test your keeping yourself from crying abilities as the two of you could think of nothing other than that neither of you had anything to say. Man, you never thought an arguement being so open on both ends would be so hard! Almost painful. 

"....I understand..." Herobrine finally whispered; any louder and he would have started dripping tears. "...I... I should have been smart, not skipping the crucial steps of getting to know one another again.. Not just skipping to how things used to be.. I should have cared more.." He whispered only a little louder. You stayed quiet, bot knowing what to say. He sure was clingy, but apparently he had a reason. Either way he put things, you weren't going to forgive him. "....I have to.." He said, catching your attention again. "(Y/n)?.." Herobrine loosened the hug and used one hand to raise your chin slightly. You looked the rest way up into his tearing glowing eyes. He looked sadder at that moment than you had ever seen him before. The moment your eyes looked into eachother's, the tears fell down his cheeks. "You're right.. I wasn't fair to you.. I will let y- you g..." He made it seem like he had to choke out the word. "..g.. go... which, as you can probably tell is going to be hard for me..." His head dropped as his eyes slowly shut. You couldn't believe what he was actually saying for a moment. HE, letting you GO, back home?! "But first, is it alright if I have a goodbye hug?" He asked. 

"..Sh- sur-" You were going to agree, but ask if the hug you just had didn't count, when he pretty much picked you up and sat with his back against the wall, holding you on his lap... 'Wait.. this isn't a hug!'  Hoping his words weren't just to get you on his good side, you waited about a minute until Herobrine's head shot up as if he had just had a new idea. 

"What if..?" He pondered at whatever thought he had. Since your minute of patience was up, you wiggled onto the floor and stood to your feet. Herobrine didn't seem to care however when he was still in deep thought; and he stood as well. Then he paced a couple times in front of you as he thought. 

"Ugh, what is it?" You asked him when you got a little annoyed by his change in attitude, slowly growing worried that he had changed his mind. 

"(Y/n), I believe there might be a way we can both get what we want." Herobrine worded, making direct eye contact with you. 

"And what kind of plan would that be?" You asked, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. 

"It's so simple! I can send you back home, erase your memory of the last couple years, and get to know you in your world! Then I can court you like any other man should, and you would not be bothered with this failed attempt!" '..Wait... WHAT?!' After Herobrine laid out his idea, your eyes widened. Is he actually able to erase memories? Has he done it before? Is he the reason you can't remember falling in love with him? Was all of this just him trying over and over again to get you to love him?! The questions were endless! "Alright! Plan sounds good!" Herobrine told himself, not noticing your question-filled face. "I've only tried this on a couple random people, just for the fun of it, so I know it's possible.. (Y/n)! What do you think of the idea?!" Herobrine smiled over at you, his joy suddenly dropping with his smile as soon as he saw your pale thinking face. You.. had no desire to forget everything in a whole two years! 

"Ummm, I, don't really want to forget everything. What if I forget more than intended? What if I forget valuable lessons I learned here? I just.. don't like the idea of forgetting anything, expecially a full two years." You made your point. Herobrine seemed to have already made up his mind as he walked up to you and with a serious expression, placed both his hands on your shoulders, looking you directly in the eyes. 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now