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(After "Cliff Hanger")

Your stance stooped. "What d-do you want?" You growled, though weakly. 

"Why so scared? I thought it was conforming seeing someone so much like yourself?" You2 smirked. 

"I might trust you if you didn't just KILL Ev!" Putting your fists up, you knew you stood no chance against this version of yourself already, who was both better equipped and more muscular, not to mention likely much more trained! "Where did you even come from, huh?!" 

"Where did I come from?!.. Where did you come from?! I was SO close to reuniting with Hero, but then you took that away from me! After YEARS of recovering, training, and plotting my revenge on Ev, suddenly I see YOU have taken my place!! I just wanted to be with my fiance again and live happily ever after, yet you step in and take everything I fought for just like that!!!" You2 fumed, clearly not happy to see you. This was a good cue to step a little further away from the cliff. "Not so fast!" Before you could slide away, a thin, silver blade was held at your chin. Your hands flung up in surrender. 

"Please!! I- I just want to talk this out, you know?.. I have no idea what is going on. All I know is that I was taken from my dimension to this one!" 

"So you didn't come here on purpose?" 

"No!!" You shifted, little pebbles slipping off the cliff, bouncing off the jagged rocks below. 

"...Okay... So do you want to go back, then?" You2 asked. 

You froze up. "Well...I think this dimension is pretty cool..but going back to visit would be fun!" As much as you didn't want to get in the way of this other you, you had just escaped that rebell organization in favor of being with Herobrine, and still wanted to be with him.. But, as of right now, all you needed was to be trusted enough to be allowed to leave such a dangerous position. You2 doesn't appear to trust you either, though, so you really are on thin ice here. 

"Do you have any idea how you even came here?" You2 then asked. 

"Uhhhhh," Was all you could spout. "Herobrine..?" Your face tightened, knowing your2 reaction to this might not end well. 

"So, what you're saying is... Herobrine replaced me?!" That reaction certainly wasn't what you had hoped for, though it was what you had expected. 

"W-well, I mean, n-not really.." 

"BASICALLY, though!.. Are you sure it was Hero?! His brother has the same powers, and has them mastered even more! I- it could have been him!" 

"I..saw him before hand. It was Herobrine." Attempting to be the calm one here, you kept your volume lower so hopefully You2 wouldn't end up pushing you off of the cliff. "Wait, so is Hero's brother even still alive?-" 

"Did he say anything about the splitting!?!" Suddenly, You2 grabbed your shoulders, shaking you, which frightened you to the core for fear of your own life. The cliff was only an inch behind you. All you could do was stare at You2 with both fear and curiosity. You had no idea what she was even talking about anymore?! "Because if it really was Herobrine, not only is he bad at moving on --from thinking I died-- but he's also an IDIOT for bringing you here!!" 

"Wh- wh?" Was all you could muster, still shaking with your2 hands still grasping your shoulders. "What on earth do you mean?!" 

"I...I don't really know.." She suddenly seemed so unsure of herself, one hand letting go of your shoulder to tress against her forehead. "But a few minutes ago, something really strange happened... I felt it.. And suddenly, it just clicked in my mind... Something far more pressing than this silly love triangle we got going on here!" Huh, you hadn't even thought of it like that. 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now