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(After "Indecisive")

"I...I forgive you.." You smiled. As strange as the last few weeks had been, you knew you wanted to be with him. He was your dream man after all.

Exhilarated, Herobrine picked you up and spun you around, laughing in merriment.


But then, a cold feeling filled the room. "Why... You annoying little time twister. What makes you think you will get a happy little ending?" A dark voice entered the room. Herobrine immediately set you down, summoned a sword in his hand, and stood protectively in front of you. He seemed to recognize the voice right away. One you had never even heard of before.

"Show yourself, coward! You've always been weaker than me, and you know it! Now run, or die!" He shouted at nothing. The air around us did look a little strange. It wiggled like it might in extremely hot weather, but the room was now freezing! And even the color around the room warped a little, becoming a tainted dark purple. 

"..What makes you think I never improved in those last five hundred years?" The voice growled roughly. "Think I am that stupid, to just hide away in the Nether without growing in power?.. No... I found another source of a parallel universe....The same universe (Y/n) came from. Now...I possess the power of a TRUE god!"

"Oh really?~ Show me then! Show me this TRUE power!" Herobrine barked, still holding his sword up to this strange wavey.

"Gladly...." Entered the slanted, chuckle of whoever spoke. "Because I'm going to use it to ERASE this entire TIMELINE!!!"

[THE END] -7/20/21

(Meet me in: "Linked")

{FRQ: If you had to kill one of your top OCs in order to save the rest, who would you sacrifice?}

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