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You gently placed your hand on the other you's shoulder, unsure of how to word your feelings. "I.. I understand... but I can't let you have him. I love him too. You know that. As much as I try, I can no longer see myself without him. I just hope you understand..." You tried to tell her as kindly as possible. You2 let a few tears of sadness drop down her cheeks as she heard the news. "Being honest though, you had just killed someone. Assassin or not, I know I would never do that. Not the sane me at least!" You chuckled a little, taking a couple steps back, just knowing you weren't any more on the other you's good side. No matter how you worded it, you knew You2 would not be happy with your decision. 

"No, no.. I completely understand." You2 lowered her head in defeat, letting you turn around and begin walking away normally. "..It is a fight to the death then?" She, asked? Not really much of a question. You froze in your place, pausing your breath. You knew you hadn't trained well enough to even have a chance against a much tougher, skilled version over yourself. Everyone in this world seemed to be so much tougher for some reason! 

Without even turning around to see if You2 had her weapon drawn or not, you ran forwards as fast as possible, being smart in heading for her truck. 


Rocks sped up at your legs from being bounced up by a bullet. She was shooting at you! Good thing you were just quick enough to swerve out of the way.

Pow! Pow! 

Those next couple bullets barely missed you, skidding past the fabric of your pants. It seemed like she was more aiming for the legs for some reason. Maybe she didn't really want to kill you. Who knows? You sure weren't going to stop and ask! You ran right into the thankfully bulletproof vehicle and prayed that the keys were in there with you. Hallelujah, there they were! You turned on the vehicle and revved the engine. You2 shouted and you rolled up any down windows, before doughnuting out of there with insane speed. Your blood boiled under your skin as you heard those rocket sounds shoot after you. Eventually they faded to a silence as you drove out of there in record timing. Your next destination: Herobrine's castle! 

A couple short hours that flew by like minutes later, you pulled up to the very front of the castle just outside the gates. Thankfully your truck was an off roader, so you didn't have to worry about parking, gently crashing into some stone working just fine. 

Panting like a maniac, you ran up to the front door and pounder your fists on the two massive front doors. The large u-shape drive through lined with pretty gardens was completely empty. 

"Hello?" An older man asked as he cautiously opened the door. He looked down at you and in an instant you were pulled into the safety of the castle walls. "(Y/n)?! Where have you been?! Herobrine has been looking for you all day! He is still out there, bless his heart!" The older man scolded. You cowered back a bit, unsure of what to say. Not even sure of what to think. "Is anything wrong, mam?" The older man asked, noticing your tiring expression. 

"..Nothing, I'm,  just a little tired.." You sighed. 

"I see... Well, I will hand you off to the maids then. They will have you cleaned and ready for bed while I contact Herobrine. He should be delighted to know that you are alright. You gave him quite a scare you know with that assassin running off with you and all." 

"Yeah.. heh. Pretty stupid of me to run along. I know better now though. I'll be fine... Thanks." You said, glad to finally be in a peaceful situation with no more death defying chase scenes or anything. You were finally safe. As the older man had promised, you were lead by some maids to be cleaned and were given new pajamas to wear. Once in your incredibly silky pajamas, you were lead to a guest bedroom where you wouldn't be bothered until you woke up the next morning. As you fell asleep in the nice, soft mattresses, you couldn't help but question your own safety. What if the other you came back? What if she killed you in your sleep and took your place? No one would even know or care! That night your sleep was far from sound. 

[Continue on to page: "Sleeper"]

(Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I'd start this magical day with a Christmas Miracle: me writing the next chapter! XD Soo, I hope you all have all great day! It is currently 1AM for me and I am too tired to make this page any longer. :) 

{FRQ: What was the absolute WORST gift you were ever given?} 

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