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(After page "Breaker") 

"Nearly there." Darley reassured you and the rest of the crew after several hours of walking through the thick forest that surrounded the west, north, and south sides of the castle. The west side was where you had spent two years digging ditches in that 'death camp.' 

"And where exact are we going?" You asked with a tired breath. 

"It's a small base that branches off the main one. It's also the closest one to the castle, where we take anyone who has been captured." Darley explained. That, actually made sense. After a few more minutes the little crew of scouts made it to a tree stump and stood around it. 'Ooo! A secret passage-way!' You smiled as the realization grew. Like you had expected, Darley pulled on a root and the stump came up, revealing what looked like an elevator. You all crammed in there and slowly sank down into the darkness. Only a single light at the top of the little elevator made any light, which was pretty pointless. The elevator was so crowded you could hardly see. Not to mention the stench of several sweaty young adults was unpleasant. 

Ding! The elevator finally made it's way to it's destination, and once the doors opened all seven of you came flooding out, almost falling over. Once you regained your lost breath, you saw that you all had entered a concrete hall that went both left and right, and both of those directions split into many others. The concrete made the place a little cold. At least it wasn't dark with the many lights on the scieling. 

"This way. There is a handy secondary map room where we can work out what to do next." Darley pulled your arm. You easily obliged and followed her and the others down the hall. As you walked past other strangers who seemed to all be on the same team, you noticed something a little off about most of them. Many of them looked a little sad and slower than you would expect. Had someone just died? 

"W why does everyone seem so sad?.." You pondered out loud. Though it was to yourself, Darley heard you and answered. 

"We lost one of our best only a few days ago. Many are worried that without her, we won't be able to win." 

"Why is that? Who even was she?" You. 

"Her name was Ev. Though I never personally met her, I did see her a couple times. She was one of, if not, the toughest person alive. You have to be to survive Herobrine's Mad-games, especially at the age of just fifteen. Many wonder how she didn't go insane after that. Of course, all we know about that place is from what we have heard. And Ev was the only one to really escape and live to tell the tale, but she never did. She just said that she learned a very valuable lesson there. Ones that she never told anyone.." Darley told you. 

"Wait, Ev as in the one with long brown hair and glasses?" You questioned. 

"Um, yeah. Did you know her?" Darley turned to you with interest. You lowered your head and looked at the ground solemnly. 

"Yeah. We were great friends. I was even there when she died. She died as she was trying to tell me something. I still have no idea what she was going to say." A tear dropped from your eye. (Wow, I was so cheesy back then!) Darley patted your back to comfort you. It helped a little, but not much. And above that, you had no idea she had gone through anything like that. You might think after a couple years that she would at least hint to it. "Ev never told me about that though. You think there was anything else she didn't tell me?" You looked up at Darley. She thought for a moment. 

"Did she ever tell you about what she did here?" Darley asked. You shook your head no. "She had several jobs actually. When she started off she was just a scout like me. But her skill was made obvious when she took out an entire squad of soldiers on her own, so she was promoted to assassin. Besides her missions, she was also our main interrogater. She was the master when it came to that. One moment she was a cute in ocean girl acting like she had no idea what to do next, the next she was making people spill information like a fountain." Darley boasted as if Ev had been her friend too. But when you thought about it, you wondered about previous events. You questioned conversations. You looked back at things that now just didn't seem to fit. If she was so good at acting, then how could you be sure she hadn't been acting around you? 

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