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(*cracks knuckles* alright time to stop procrastinating on this thing!)

(You chose to let Herobrine die.)


........Who even was this man?

Your fists clenched tightly at your side, your face dropping, a tear sliding down it and burning up in the Nether's dry heat.

At last you whispered, "Hero..." Your meal, already mournful voice echoed over the endless netherrack. You thought this was what you wanted. It was what you wanted in the end. But...
                 That didn't make it any easier letting go...

"I...I can't anymore, alright?!" Steam rose from your eyes with every evaporating tear as you looked up, a strange, mournful glare that shot daggers into his heart. "I don't even KNOW you, Hero!!"


     "I... I thought I cared. I thought I could love you...but I really can't. I don't know what you like, I don't know ANYTHING about you!! I liked you at first because you were FAKE! In my world, you were just a fun fanfic character or a picture in my files, not some living, breathing man! And even now I simply cannot separate you from what I once knew! You're both exactly what I pictured you to be and nothing like it at all! And I HATE that it took me all this time to realize that! That no matter what you or I do, it will just feel FAKE! Like my own life is nothing but a stage to be puppeteered around by some benevolent being! And it only happens when I am around YOU! Nothing makes sense anymore, I have been hurt more times than I can count! I have suffered, lost..DIED...all because of YOU! Heck, life might have not been all that interesting if none of this ever happened, but it sure would have been more of a life than THIS!!" You spilled our heart out right there in front of Herobrine, with each major swing of your arms taking a step closer to him. Hero stood in shock, not believing the words coming from your mouth.

"(Y/n)..?" His right hand extended toward you half heartedly.

You scoffed. "Oh please.. That name feels just as warn out as yours by this point... Notch." Your head turned over your shoulder to the other man, but then you hesitated. The words caught in your throat, it was suddenly so hard to speak your mind, especially since it would never be 100% truly made up. ... If only there was a third option... "Just .. just fix all of this, please... Take me home. I don't... I don't have the heart to care anymore.." Your head slumped.

"(Y/n), no! NO! PLEASE-- don't you remember the good??" Hero pushed himself forward, stumbling toward you. His desperation was clear, not necessarily for his own life, but for the loss of your heart. "Don't you remember the times I loved you?!? I am far from a perfect man, but you still remember the good, right?! The times I held you in my arms and cared for you!" He fell to his knees and held tightly one of your hands. You avoided looking down at him though his glowing eyes demanded it. "You feel as though you do not truly know me?! Well I can fix that right now! Whatever you want to know, I am open to share! Whatever you need, I-"

"She's already said her peace." Notch approached, opening his palm so that a large battle-axe could magically manifest in it. "Now step away from the girl."

Hero stared at his brother for a moment. Then, he stood soundlessly, faced the man head-on, and too materialized out of thin air his signature diamond pickaxe. Looking down at it, you only saw all the more how much of a character he was... Still, was it really worth giving up on his life for..? For your own sanity...maybe it was.

As the two brothers glared each other down, Hero spoke over his shoulder to you one final thing. "I don't know whether I love or hate you right now, but I will apologize for one thing." The double handed grip on his pickaxe tightened. "For not telling you the truth from the beginning. I just hoped that everything would go back to how it used to be. I was so caught up in the you who died...I completely discarded the thoughts and feelings of the you in front of me. And when I realized the mistake I had made...I was irrational and sent you to a prison camp of all places to pass the time...thinking that at the very least, with you in the same world I could at least have you again if I so wanted... I know. It was stupid of me...but at least now you know." Under his glowing eyes..was a little smile. One that, at the very least, hoped for an understanding between the two of you. You looked down, not knowing how to respond.

"You done talking yet or do I need to bring in a lawyer to help you write a will, too?" Notch mocked. Hero growled as he turned his attention back to his brother.

"I'll teach you for making a fool out of me! You were always the weaker brother, so this fight will end no different than the last!!" Preparing his weapon before him, Herobrine crouched into a fighting stance. You looked up just in time to see Notch smirk.

"Oh yeah?" He hoisted the battle axe over his shoulder and just let the handle rest there casually. "How are your reflexes?"



One massive spike of Netherrack shot up from the top layer, impaling his entire chest.


Another pillar of neter rock came downwards through his lower back, forcing the rest of his body to follow despite the spike already in him. This cracked his spine immediately and even tore open the muscle and skin so he was almost completely torn in half!


Two more spikes came down on him for good measure, completely disassembling his arms.

You couldn't believe your eyes. In mere seconds, Notch had torn his little brother to shreds without even lifting a finger. Yet, somehow the bleeding and mangled one was still alive...barely.

Casually, carrying a boyish kind of smirk on his face, Notch ambled up to his brother and crouched down in front of him once close enough. "Honestly so I even need to say anything here?" He then dipped one finger in the pool of blood at his feet and "Boop," Tapped his beother's nose to leave the little bit of blood there to stay.

Then, he stood upright, yawned, and turned to you.

"So!" Clapping his hands together and walking towards you as if nothing had happened, the man smiled your way. Your eyes stayed stuck on Hero, in a frozen state of horror watching the life slowly drain from Hero's eyes. "Do you want me to just send you back right now...or..?" You shook your head to wake yourself, but it did little to help. You just ended up staring motionless again. "Alright, guess I'll just do that then." You felt his hand land on your shoulder and-


You were back home, several years after you left...but otherwise okay...




The end. - 12/23/2022

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