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(You have decided that you do not love Herobrine. After: "Climber")

"You know, I have a couple questions I want to ask before answering that." You say, making him put on his thinking face. 

"Alright, ask away." He smiled after a short moment. Sorting the questions in your head, you prepared your first one. The one that had disturbed you the most. 

"..Why were you so touchy touchy when I first arrived?" Herobrine's face sported a tomato color as his head sunk a little. 

"Eh-heh.. Let's just say, never trust your rivals when it comes to pain medication." He spoke weakly, his vision darting around for anyone listening in. That answer brought up a new question. 

"Wait, why were you hurt in the first place?" You asked. 

"The three of us got in a little tussle over an argument let's just say.." He answered quickly. 

"Over me?" Your eyebrows raised a little. 

"No! Um- they didn't even know you were here yet. It was right after the tussle that I finally mentioned you healing in my room, which probably made them feel a little jealous..." He trailed off with a sigh and you blinked in confusion, trying to piece together a puzzle he was giving you very little pieces to. It actually angered you to think that he was still hiding things from you. 

"Hey, Herobrine." You spoke a little sternly, re catching his attention and making him look into your eyes. "I am your wife now, which makes me feel like I have a right to know the whole story, so please, what is exactly happening between you and your cousins?" Herobrine looked down at you, a little shocked for your change in attitude. It had been a while since you felt comfortable enough in a situation to start making demands, so the feeling you had was enjoyable at the very last. 

"U-h-uum.." Herobrine cleared his throat as he thought. He eventually sighed when the music changed again and he lead you away from the dance floor. Before you asked him the whys and wheres, he spoke, "It isn't comfortable talking about these things in public, but you are right, you do deserve to know." He said. You picked up your pace once through the crowd to catch up with Herobrine as he headed for an empty corner with a couple lonely tables and chairs. Leaving the room with no warning might bring up suspicion anyways, so this works. 

Once both of you sat down, Herobrine prepared his story. 

"Alright, so as you know, Entity303, or Aiden, and Null, or Kade, are my cousins. Aiden slightly younger and Kade a little older than me. All three of us were raised together in the same castle in the Minecraft reality until we were only about fifteen and sixteen and our immortal bodies finally started slowing the aging process. After all three of us helped my parents swap realities, we began arguing over who gets to own what when we were older. Slowly, things escalated into fights and fights into an all out war between us. This lasted for a few hundred years until finally we grew up a little and realized we were being stupid. That lead in a truce and we all decided the to evenly distribute the land and split it into three parts as soon as I became king.. The only reason we get into little tussle every now and then is because Aiden and Null often fear I may take most of everything and leave them with the scraps. It just so happened that one of those fights broke out as you were still healing. You became a topic of discussion in the fight and I took that moment to tell them. And, that's pretty much it." HE filled you in. You couldn't help but sense all the holes in that story. Surely there were more details to an entire WAR than that. But, it was a better explanation than you had gotten so far. "..So, do you think you can answer my question now?" He asked you, anticipation driving fear through his thoughts. You remembered his question and thought. You, had already decided however. You were getting sick of being here, with him. In no way were you ever going to let him be rewarded for taking you from your home, even if he loved you. 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now