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(Following "Tranquil")

Pebbles and sand mixed in with the frigid water tempted you to flail up for the surface, however you fought the urge, instead curling into a tight ball. With your chin tucked between your knees and your arms tightly wrapped around them, your body was pushed the way and that by the current. Suddenly your body slammed into a rock, and another, testing your endurance. You stayed strong, repeating in your head that all you had to do was wait, that you were one with the river. One with the pebbles and sand filled water.

Eventually, the water calmed just enough for you to poke your head above the water and take in a much needed breath of air. Trying not to choke on the water brimming your mouth as your face just barely poked out of the warer, your eyes squinted around at your surroundings. Looked like you had been carried down stream. Luckily, just to your right was a small bank you could swim to. The worst about swimming for you were the injuries you had taken along the way, but, at least your arms and legs weren't too tired to swim towards the shore. After some rough swimming against the current, your feet finally found footing in some pebbles beneath you. It was a slow and tedius process, but eventually you made your way to shore, flopping onto your back on the dry stones, panting heavily. A small smile still rose on your lips. At least you were alive.

There, you waited for quite some time, laying still to preserve your energy. After some time, the warm rays of sun along with cool water by your feet, lulled you into a content sleep. As much as you wanted to worry, you knew your love would be fine.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Hero called in a panic, hovering over the water. The sun was already starting to go down, and he was losing hope that you had made it. But then, his eyes lit up as soon as he saw you napping on the bank, breathing. Alive. In a hurry, Hero scooped you up and flew you to the cabin. Inside he had a sinking feeling he knew where that sudden earthquake had come from.


Then, suddenly, everything...became nothing.

[Meet me in "Linked"]

(Yey, finally writing again. XD

I don't mind being bothered about finishing your favorite paths, by the way. In fafr, it would probably help me know which one to do next. Until then, for now, it'll just be this little vacation one I guess. :)

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