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(following "Beauty." You chose to go down trail 3)

The birds chirp beautifully in the lovely spring morning among the lush bright greens. Some particularly fancy birds hopped around on branches doing some funny looking dances for the ladies watching from other trees.

"I'll bet you're glad I don't dance like those guys." Herobrine chuckled, pointing at one of the birds in particular who was doing a twirl. You giggled at the idea.

"I don't know. I think you would look lovely dancing like that."

"Please, just..don't." He blushed. Now really wishing the conversation as a whole could be brushed aside. You laughed.

It really was such a beautiful day. So many different flowers and trees to look at. The patches of sky that broke through the branches to greet you was a lovely bright blue.

"In all honesty, though, dancing --like humans-- was pretty fun though." Herobrine added, gaining your attention again. He was walking to your left as the two of you went down the little trail that would soon be making its way toward the waterfall you were excited to see. Herobrine even said you could go BEHIND the waterfall!

"We should do it again then! Sometime soon!" You proposed. Your husband smiled happily at the idea.

"Yeah, how about when we get back to the cabin? I have an old fashion jukebox there as well."

"Wow, that might be pretty fun, actually? What is your favorite song?" You then asked. And the rest of the hike was spent talking about different tastes in music and instruments. After about twenty minutes, the two of you finally arrived at the waterfall. It was so big. You could hear it roaring a mile away. And sweetest of all was that there was a tunnel right behind it, one of the walls being the waterfall itself.

"Careful. The rocks are slippery around here." Herobrine warned as he took a step ahead, but you could already see the shiny surface of the rocks ahead. Carefully, you and Hero walked into the tunnel. The place gave off such a magical. Small little droplets sprinkled your face and arms, and the falling water itself was so tempting to glide your hand to, yet you also worried it might unsettle your balance and make you fall in.

" amazing..." You breathed, looking over to the man to your side, slightly in front of you. There was a glimmer in his already shining eyes, unmatched by any. It was as if he had tapped into his childhood innocence, standing here, with you... But then, you watched as his priceless smile slowly faded.

Then, you felt it too. The earth began to tremble beneath your feet. The waterfall to your right began to waver. And a sick feeling bubbled in your stomach, as much as you wished it was just a small earthquake.



"RUN!" Herobrine pushed you back the way you had entered, your husband following close behind. Meanwhile, the shaking got even worse, and the sound of boulders falling in the background really began to alarm you. CRACK-A-POW! Suddenly the roof above you was falling down to greet you. "No! (Y/n)!" Behind you, Herobrine shoved your back, this time so hard you were flung several feet forward. You landed harshly, rolling around on the stones that scraped your skin and bruised your arms, legs, and head. The water roared-on behind you. With limbs shaken to the bone, you picked yourself back up in time to see one MASSIVE boulder finally be pushed off the waterfall and continue falling into the now flooded valley. But the one thing you DIDN'T see, was Herobrine.

"H-hero?!" You stood to your feet. By then the quaking had already subsided. Then you saw him. You almost wished you hadn't. All you could see of your husband was his hand, which was sticking out from under a heap of rocks and boulders. "Herobrine!!" You shouted, running over to him without hesitation.

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