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(After "Princess")

You tell Herobrine  you want to go to a cute little house right by a nice village.

"I think that's a good choice. We can relax, take it easy, and enjoy the small pleasures of Denton ( the village by their house). Herobrine  leaned close and whispered in your ear, "Come  with me. I want to show you something"

You got up and followed him, your curiosity  growing with each step. He took you outside, leading you to his car. He opened the door and took out a beautifully wrapped present.

" for you." You carefully took the present from him and admired the beautiful wrapping. You open the box and see a shining charm bracelet. "Let me explain (Y/N). The pickaxe is to remind you how far you've come. The flower is to remind you of 'iron flower'"

You both chuckled at that.

"The crown is to remind you that you will always be my little princess. And lastly, the bouquet  of flowers is to remind you of our wedding. As you can see, there is a few empty spots.

Those are for us to make more memories together. And when something important happens to us, we can get charms to remember it by." You kissed him, pulling him close. You wanted the night to last forever.

( The Next Day)

"(Y/N)! We have to leave! Our reservation is in 30 minutes!" Herobrine tapped his foot impatiently. 

"I'm coming!" You yell. You grab your packed suitcase and make your way down the stairs. You were wearing your favorite outfit. You always felt pretty in it, and it was decently comfortable.

You look at Herobrine to see that he was already looking at you. He had a look in his eyes, a look you had seen before, but you couldn't quite place it. You shrugged it off and gave Herobrine  a kiss on the cheek. You were so exited to see what adventures lay ahead.

Herobrine held your hand, and with a single thought, the scenery  around you blurred, then cleared as you took in your surroundings. You were standing in front of a small house, built right by a crystal clear lake. The house itself had a rustic, classic feel to it. Hero walked inside, placing all your bags in the middle of the room. 


"I'm sorry, but this timeline's free rent has come to an end... If you would like to schedule a meeting with me to extend it... Sorry, but that isn't how I work."

[THE END] -7/20/21

(Meet me in: "Linked")

{FRQ: Does anyone remember what FRQ stands for?  Because I do...Just wondering if you guys do as well..}

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