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(Check out some of our other books HxR after this if you want!)

(Following: "Sterling," "Meticulous," "Forgiver," "Rebel," "Selfless," "Present," "Sublime," "Vougish," "Aloof," "Modish," and "Welcomed." And more.)




You picked yourself off of the floor slowly. A terrible, mind-numbing headache throbbed through your head. At once, you neither knew how you arrived nor where you were. And yet, that wasn't even the most concerning of questions on your mind...

'He's DEAD?!' 'I died!..wait...' 'Oh my gosh was that a freaking clone of me!?' 'I was SO close to having a happy ending! Ugh!!' 'That Herobrine better die after all HE did!' 'All I wanted was for him to live happily with me!' 'Ev better not have just-' 'WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?!?'

You clutched your head tightly, the many voices shouting over each other just TOO much! Worse was, you didn't know which internal voice was the real one. Were ALL of them!? They seemed to think so, fighting or control of your mind.

The emotions were intense. The pain from mourning a hundred individuals filled your head, your fingers desperately hugging your body, nails digging into your skin, as the terrible pain from all minds merged into one terrible feeling.

The voices all began to be muffled, hard to distinguish from each other. Pretty soon, they were all mashed into one STRANGE beyond comprehension feeling. But, thankfully even that feeling began to dull as time passed. Soon, nothing but an aching head and one HECK of a question running through it was all that was left.

Finally, you stood, looking around at last. It almost looked like the Nether, except the entire floor, ceiling, and EVERY wall was nothing but Netherrack brick! Though the ceiling was less than 20 feet tall, the walls on all sides stretched out a near infinite amount! The distant walls were just barely visible, bending slightly like the ocean itself!

Your arms clutched your body again, a chill stirring through you as the atmosphere darkened with a hint of purple.

"At long last..." Your body spun in all directions, finding NO source to that voice you just heard. It sound masculine, though obscured somehow. Your eyes suddenly shot to view what little movement had peeked in the corner of your eye. It was nothing but a weird warping in the air around it, as if heat were morphing that part of the air and that part alone. You almost turned away from it, but, this strange mirage-like spot began to take form. The waves condensed until they made the vague shape of a man who was simply walking in the air above you. Then, the source of this supposed heat began to glow bright white, slowly transitioning into a physical form right before your very squinting eyes.

At last, a tall, muscular man appeared. He was nothing quite like what you had seen so far! His clothes were torn and simple. Oddly pale skin, though entire patches of it were coated in burn marks. And a thick black beard that made up for the lack of hair on his bald head. The man stopped his casually walking on air, back facing you, hands clasped behind his back. A tattered cape of sorts flowed gracefully behind him under the control of the non existent wind within that room. He stood about 10 feet away, not even facing you, now in complete human form, casually just standing there as if there was something better to look at among the dark red bricks, besides you: the only other person in the room! "...We meet as equals." You could hear the hint of a smirk. You felt like you both barely knew him and knew him all too well; dreamlike memories explaining why. He to you was no greater a man than Satan himself! (couldn't think of anyone else, LOL)

The man continued to talk, though your mind blocked it out. You had a knife in your back pocket! While this guy was doing his evil monologue, you could just sneak up from behind and BOOM! This would all be over with! Risky. Definitely. But worth it? Absolutely!... At least.. maybe.

[Backstab the threat now: "Striker"]

[Wait, listen, and find out more: "Stalker"]


{FRQ: Can you remember the first ever house you built in Minecraft? What did it look like?}

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