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(Sorry I just had to share this awesome coincidence, 

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(Sorry I just had to share this awesome coincidence, 

After page "Hiker") 

"Sir, sir are you alright?.. Sir!" A worried voice shook Herobrine awake. He had a terrible pain in his back as if he had just landed on some sharp rocks. Herobrine slowly opened his eyes and saw he was laying on a bed. It was sort of a hospital bed, except not in a hospital room or anything. Herobrine was just laying in a dull room between some other beds with people on them. 

"Whh.. what's going on?.." Hero asked whoever it was speaking to him with a really blurry face. Everything was blurry. And every movement felt nauseating to endure. 

"Your wedding was crashed by the assassin. She took (Y/n) and her partner shot the whole royal family with sleeping darts. Good thing the poison wasn't fatal to you, otherwise you would be dead." The blurry person informed. 

Herobrine sat up quickly with a painful yank and tried to make sense of the scenery around him. He stumbled his way out of bed and onto his knees on the hard floor. 

"My Lord, you need to stay still!" The person scolded kindly, somehow, as they reached down to help. 

"No. I'm fine." Hero swat their helping hand away. Then he stood up, with success that time, and slowly began walking out the nearest door of the room, slowly re gaining his ballance. "..-Have to find (Y/n).." Hero mumbled to himself in the hall as he began picking up speed. "..She doesn't know how much trouble she's in..." 

(About an hour later, but not necessarily a time jump since the thing above was just a jump back.. so I guess an "And Now" moment.)

"Finally here." Ev smiled as she walked beside you towards the entrance to the base, which looked like it was mostly in the mountain itself. 

"So what exactly are we going to do?" You decided to ask. 

"I'll tell you when we get inside." Ev answered, that time with an almost blank face. So you followed her through past the large door with a very complicated locking system. Let's just say it had a ton of random buttons and levers one would have to pull in a very specific pattern. 

Once you three were inside you followed Ev down some stairs, which were pretty dark with metal walls and floors. When the stairs ended into a much better lit up hallway about the same style, you decided to ask again. And that time Ev thought it alright to answer. 

"Okay the important thing to note here is that this is an organized rebellion against the unfair rulers of Minecraftia. And this place is our main headquarters. Our leader in command should be not too far this way. She always hangs out in the map room where we keep the maps and super computer for planning and such." She told you simply. Right away you wondered who this leader of theirs was. But before you could even say a thing Ev spoke again. "You don't have to worry about our commander, she is really nice and will love any help you can provide." 

"How did you know I was wondering about that?" You asked. 

"I tend to be a good guesser at times." Was her response. It was one of those shrug off moments before just keeping on walking. After just a few moments you, Ev, and her brother arrived in what seemed to be the main room. It was large and open, with a holographic map of the world around you on a table, because why not?! 

"I have to go Ev, see you later." Ev's brother waved goodbye. 

"Okay seeya!" Ev smiled and waved bye back. 

"Hey, nice to see you back, Ev. And all in one piece this time it seems." A younger feminine voice chimed from the center of the room behind the hologram. When you turned to see who it was you saw a twelve or so year old girl peeking from behind the hologram with a witty smile. 

"Heh, yeah." Ev smiled back uncomfortably. Then the girl walked around the table towards you and Ev. She had dark brown hair, which was even longer than Ev's, past the waste, and the same color pupils in her innocent eyes. But there was something about her that seemed authoritative. 

The girl looked over you before asking, "And is this (Y/n)?" 

"Yes, my name's (Y/n). And who are you?" You answered and asked. 

"I am General 1, or also known as Shyrah. I am in charge here." She smiled up at you. It took you a moment to digest. 

Wait, a TWELVE year old is in charge?! Is this some kind of joke?!" You almost laughed. Instead of what you were expecting, which was a bunch of people laughing with you and the girl saying she was joking, you got a stern swat from Ev on the shoulder. 

"Uhum!" Shyrah cleared her throat and looked at Ev as if asking her something without speaking. "I thought (Y/n) knew." Was all she said in all lowered tone. 

"Oh sorry, I forgot. My bad." Ev chuckled at herself and attempted to act all innocent with a small voice and stature at that moment. It seemed very un like her to do that. "Uh, anyway, um, (Y/n)! This girl, here is the "long lost princess.. Also known as, Herobrine's younger sister." Ev then proceeded to explain. Your jaw suddenly dropped as did the sweat of embarrassment. 

"I am sooo sorry Miss. I had no idea." You quickly apologized, doing a clumsy bow. 

"No that's alright. We would have been sisters anyways if Ev hadn'the saved you in time, so you don't have to worry about any of that." Shyrah giggled. "-Ev. I need a report on the Southern region of the castle and all those details, stat!" Shyrah quickly snapped from the smile and into a serious tone as she looked directly at Ev. 

"Yes mam! Right away!" Ev snapped into military mode as well and the two both walked over to the hologram. You started following but neither their mannerisms or facial expressions looked welcoming anymore. So you decided to instead, give yourself a tour of the place and learn more about these rebels. But wait, do you really want to go out exploring? Maybe you might catch something important if you stayed and listened. 

(Oh no, the pages are getting a little shorter.. :O   And that means the story is branching out more, so even more decisions and options. What shall you do?!) 

[Page "Present" to stay where you are] 

[Leap to page "Treasure" to go exploring] 

[Hop on over to page "Unexpected" to just run out of there entirely back to Herobrine] 

{FRQ: If you wrote your own book based off this one, which path do you think it would follow?} 

Love Him or Hate Him (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now