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(After page "Stand-In")

'Pffft! Who cares about all this?! I need to go back to Herobrine, maybe even warn him of what is coming' You decided in your head. You turned to leave the door you entered when you saw something that might be important. It looks like am random flash-drive just sitting out on a nearby counter top. It looks random, but possibly important. So as casually as you can, you snatched it and hid the thing in the pockets of your new shorts and walked casually out the door. You thankfully remembered the winding trail all the way back to the main entrance, which thankfully didn't have a complicated lock on that side. 

"State your business and reason for leaving." A stern man asked you when he saw you looking at the door. He had been so still you hadn'the even noticed him by the door. Your entire system went stiff as you searched for a quick little lie. 

"Um. Ev, asked me to get something from the car." You said. 

"Wait, the Ev? As in the one who not just defeated an entire squad of soldiers all by herself, but also personally assassinated Herobrine's own fiancée?!" The man looked astonished that you even knew such a person. His words bothered you for several reasons. 

"Wait, Herobrine was engaged?" The words just kind of slipped out of your mouth. You didn't really have anything else going through your mind at that time except a small feeling of betrayal. The thought that maybe you were just a replacement for someone else Herobrine really cared about. In a way, the thought sickened you. You almost didn't feel like going back. However you had a feeling you wouldn't be welcomed back into the base with a stolen flash-drive in your pocket. 

"Uh, yeah! Everyone knows that! How come you don't?.. Or are you just picking on me?" The guy smiled but with a hint do suspicion in his face. 

"Oh I am just messing with you." You played along, punching the guy on the shoulder with a playful smile on your face. All suspicion on the guard's face vanished and he pressed a button so the door would open for you. As badly as you wanted answers, you would have to wait for another time perhaps. 

Once the doors opened, you walked out them into the sunshine. And once the doors closed behind you, you ran to the cars as quickly as possible. You knew if they found out while you were still running that they could catch up to you in no time with their vehicles. Maybe one of them had left their keyes in a car so you could quickly snatch it. You almost completely missed it, but eventually you did spot a key that had fallen onto the floor of the car. Man with the flash-drive and key both having been left around, the rebels must have been a whole lot less organized than originally thought. 

"She's getting away!!" The doors slid open to let the general's voice escape. Even though she probably had powers like everyone else in her family, she stayed in the shade of the base as if she were a zombie stuck under the shade of a tree. Maybe she didn't want to take any chances of being spotted and having her cover blown. But either way, if you escaped, you'd most likely tell everyone that anyways. 

"(Y/n) what are you doing?!" Ev shouted with a hurt look in her eyes. She didn't want you to leave and you knew it. But you remembered that little extra detail she had purposefully not told you, and that hurt. 

"You told me you killed his friend, yet I heard you killed someone much more that him then that!" You shouted, starting up the car and looking closely at Ev as she slowly crept closer to you like a player trying to tame an ocelot.  

"How much do you know about that?!" Ev asked right away. Worry filled every bone of her to the point where it was physically visible. 

"What do you mean, there's more?" You tilted your head. Now it seemed like you might just be getting somewhere with answers. Unfortunately for your curious self, Ev saw the missing knowledge and calmed down a little. Most likely you wouldn't be getting any answers from her. You took that as a cue to leave. You quickly pulled out like you were already in a car chase and sped off. 

"Wait, (Y/n)! You don't know what you are getting yourself into!!" Ev shouted over the roaring engine as you zoomed down the beaten path. After a few seconds that sped by as quickly as the car, Ev drove up beside you in another one, matchin your speed. "Herobrine isn't who he seems (Y/n)!! He has killed people!" Ev shouted at you across the poorly done road. You didn't care to listen. It was obviously just a trick to get you to stop. Ev seemed especially good at deception by this point. 

"Then just tell me!! Who exactly did you kill!!" You decided to shout back. As much as you needed to focus, you also needed to know what Ev had been hiding from you this entire time. 

"Just a friend of Herobrine's, b- because she attacked me!!" Ev. 

"I already know that part's a lie!! So update it for me!!" You. 

"Fine!! I guess it was his fiancée!! But what difference does that make!?" Ev. 

"Everything!!!" You bumped the side of her car a little, not wanting to make her crash, just hoping it would make her slow down at least. "Because this means there were probably other reasons!!" 

"Alright I was sent to kill her, so what!? You never get any remorse for being an assassin!!" Ev. 

"You what!?" You. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure, like that is supposed to be surprising! Don't forget that Herobrine used to kill and torture others for entertainment!!" Ev. That message about Herobrine sickened you, but you guessed it were so anyways. But those words 'used to' stuck in your head. 

"Then what made him stop!?" You asked. Ev didn't look like she wanted to answer, but by the face you were giving her, she would have to. 

"..He... he stopped the day he first met you!" Ev told you. 

"So only two years ago!?" You. 

"No!.. Four years ago!.." Ev. But.. how was that possible? The longest back you could remember him was only two years ago. Wait. What if?- 

You couldn't even finish your thought. You were too busy trying not too fall off a cliff. 

(Ya know what.. I am just going to leave this here for fun. Have fun "Cliff Hanger." XD  ) 

[Find out what happens next in "Cliff Hanger"] LOL 

{FRQ: If someone handed you some scissors and told you it is your new pet and that if you take good care of it for a whole year you would be rewarded with a million dollars, what would you probably end up doing?} 

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