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(After "Escape Artist")- I figured no one would choose this path, so I am going to add something a little special in here. 

"Y- yes!" You answered. You could tell the queen was listening in closely, and you didn't want to lose your only chance at escaping so early. 

You could sense disgust and fear in Darlie once you answered. 

"Well then, (Y/n), should we be going then?" The queen coaxed you to follow as she turned around. You hesitantly but quickly obeyed. 

"Yes mam.." You tried to cover up the dissapointment in your voice. The queen was nice enough to ignore Darlie and her friends as you two walked away in silence. 

After a while of silence, the queen finally spoke. "I understand your sense of adventure is much bigger than my own, but I suggest you at least ask to leave the castle when you want." She smiled at you. 

"Y- you knew?!" You asked her. 

"Indeed. And as we speak the rebels you were with are being rounded up at this very moment." The queen told you. Your eyes widened and you worried for Darlie and her sister, and friends. "Had you planning on helping them?" The queen asked over her shoulder. Very little emotion showed on her face so it was hart to tell what she was thinking about. 

"N- n- no! Of course not!" You scoffed. 

"Hmm, Herobrine was right. You are different." 

"Different from what?" You asked. 

"Well, I am not sure if he wants me to tell you this, but.." The queen sighed, deep in thought. You turned more as you walked to look at her. "-Nevermind." 

"No, please tell me." You could tell the subject was important somehow. 

"Alright, follow me." The queen sighed in defeat after looking into your puppy eyes. You then followed her down several halls, the large paintings made of great detail skimming the edge of your mind. Then you were suddenly stopped by the queen herself as she pulled you to turn where she was looking. It was just a wall. You looked up at the painting, and your jaw dropped. I- i- it was you. 

"Is this, really me?" You asked with disbelief at the image of yourself. Thecloser you looked the more you saw the beautiful golden and white dress you were wearing and lite tiara atop your head. The you in the picture was looking down in your hands, and in your hands, was a flower made of iron. "Iron Flower." 

"Yes. Indeed. But, you have changed so much since then." The queen answered with a sigh. 

"How so?" You asked. Then the queen looked directly into your eyes with a sad look as if wishing something. 

"You used to love my son.." She answered simply. You didn't know what to think at that moment. 'How?' You simply questioned in your head. "Come on. Let's get you back to your room." 

[If you had chosen "Survivor" a while back, go to page "Hiker"] 

[If you had chosen "Fighter" a while back, go to page "Climber"]

{FRQ: Why did you choose to read this page?} 

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