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(You chose to have your honeymoon at a nice log cabin in the prettiest mountains. After: "Princess")

"I think... a cozy log cabin in the mountains sounds nice." You sighed, leaning into your new husband. 

"Alright, sounds good. I'll plan out the activities, if that is alright with you." Herobrine softly spoke, overjoyed inside by your simple show of affection towards him. You nodded as you kept your eyes on the horizon, saying goodbye to the multitude of colors. The only ones remaining were streaks of pink and purple. As night fell, so did a cool breeze, and you shivered a little. "(Y/n)?" Herobrine spoke up after a little bit, looking up at the new stars in the sky. 

"Yeah?" You replied. 

"I- ..Nevermind." He mumbled. You too loomed up at the stars to catch any possible clues to what he was thinking. They were all so bright. It was amazing, maybe even prettier than the sunset. 

"It's alright, you can say whatever is on your mind." You hugged his arm, suckling out the warmpth that radiated off of him. 

"Do you know why I called you Iron Flower?" He asked finally. You shook your head slightly, which he took as a no. "..Well, it was something I made up for you, when I first fell in love with you... You see, the iron bit in the name recognizes your tenacity; your never giving up nature." He began to explain. "And the flower bit. That symbolizes your kind heart. Your gentle character. Your loving personality... Both of those things I thought were impossible to have in one girl. I truthfully did. *chuckle* But, somehow, I found both of those things in you; making you the perfect girl for me." He smiled, turning then and hugging you. You hugged back happily, a big smile on your face after hearing all that. He really did mean it when he said you were the girl for him. 

Eventually, the dark night came to a point where you felt even Hero shiver slightly as the cold got to him. "Come on. Let's go inside." He offered. You happily followed him in as he kept his arm around your shoulder, and the two of you said goodbye to your friends and family before Herobrine sent them all away. Either by handing them off to guides to be lead out the front castle gates, or -- like with your family -- be teleported back home with a simple snap of his fingers. It saddened you to see your family gone so soon, but at least you had gotten to see them again. 

(Ayyyy! Finally back, guys! Sorry for that really long break) 

More time passed. You changed into probably the softest nightgown and pj's you ever wore, and leapt into the giant bed. Herobrine had some more final things to do around the castle, so he finally crawled into bed when you were already half asleep. 

"Goodnight." You heard him whisper as he wrapped his arms around you. Your face heated up as your sleep was interrupted, but you yawned soon after, simply letting yourself fall asleep in the peaceful night. 


You woke up in a slightly different position than when you had fallen asleep that night. Okay, well, it was actually very different. For one, you were sprawled out over the bed, laying on your stomach instead of your back like a normal person. A gentle snore caught your attention, and you looked over to see your new husband laying on his side, facing away from you. You slowly turned over onto your back, then your side so you were facing him. He was still sleeping. Probably deep in sleep. Not tired yourself, you decided it would be funny to stick your hand out a little, and gently tickle the back of his neck, especially his hair where you know it should be ticklish. There is no immediate response, but after a little bit his snoring stops. His breathing stops entirely, clearly awake and aware of your messing with his hair, pretending it is some kind of bug. You smiled mischievously as you saw his hand slowly raise and go back behind his head a bit, reeling back. Ohhh, this is going to be fun! When the moment is right, he slapped the back of his neck, where the 'bug' was, and you moved your hand away just in time, resulting in him only slapping himself. He REALLY wakes up after that, flopping over to see you concealing a massive laugh. Finally, you burst out laughing, unable to keep it in. 

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