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(After: "Cliff Hanger")

"Wh- at?!" You gasped finally, the realization that this was really another you you were looking at. You2 chuckled and put you down on the ground in front of her. You didn't try to run off, knowing you wouldn't kill your other dimensional self no matter what! "..Soo, a-" You were about to ask for help, but then remembered Ev. Your eyes widened. "Where's Ev?!" You asked, looking around frantically. 

"Ev? Why do you care about that assassin?" You2 asked curiously. 

"Well, she was my friend, sort of.." You answered. 

"Pff! Did she really make you think that?!" You2 almost laughed. That soulless creature cared for no one! Especially her targets!" She ended with a sigh. "..I am guessing you are pretty confused, hu?" She asked. You nodded slowly. "..Well, the truth is... I did just kill her back there." You opened your mouth, not sure whether to be angry or terrified. "But there was a good reason for it!!" She interrupted you. 

"Wh- where is she?!" You demanded, needing proof. 

"You don't need proof. Just trust me.. I already buried her anyways." You2 sighed. 

"Then tell me why." You growled, tears beginning to surface from your eyes again. You2 sighed again and scratched the back of her head, thinking of what to say. 

"...Let's walk and talk." She offered. You agreed, and the two of you began walking alongside the gorge away from the crash site. Both of you kicked rocks as you walked side by side quietly. Finally, the other you began to speak. "So, how exactly did you end up here?" She asked. Your eyes widened again, putting pieces of the puzzle together. You weren't even sure if you wanted to mention Herobrine, for you knew that would open up a whole different conversation. But, you had to answer. You knew how much you hated it when people lied to you. It would only be twice as bad if you lied to yourself. 

"W- well, H- Herobrine brought me here.." You answered quietly. You2's head shot up in surprise. 

"HE WHAT?!" She grabbed your shoulders and shook you intensely. You just waited until that second of terrifyingness was over before continuing. 

"Yeah, he did, and he wanted me to marry him too... So which dimension are you from?.." You asked. When you looked over at the other you, you saw that she was looking down, a couple tears dropping from her cheeks. "What's wrong?.." 

"I'm, from this one.." She answered, sending you into a mild state of shock. What exactly did this mean though? You thought you had just put the puzzle together, but clearly so much was missing. 

"So.. why are you crying?" You tried to ask the kindest way possible. You2 sniffled and looked at you, not sure what emotion to express.

"...I've been replaced..."

(Okay, I am not actually going to end the chapter there. :)

"What do you mean?!" You asked. 

"Herobrine.. did he not tell you?" You2 asked, sniffling again. You shook your head, looking at her, worried. 

"I was his Fiancé!.. I was the one he fell in love with, and I was the one he asked to marry, not YOU!" She suddenly shouted. You jerked back in surprise. 

"Wait, didn't his fiancé die?" You asked when it was clear she wasn't about to push you off the cliff in anger. 

"That is what everyone thought.. Even Ev, my supposed killer..." You2 answered softly, recalling memories in her head. "The truth is that she didn't kill me. She just thought she did.."

"..How did that happen?" You asked, expecting a story. You2 frowned a tiny more, but began as you hoped. 

"It was almost three years ago. Herobrine had just made our engagement public to everyone. It was agreed that we would be getting married in a few months, until then I would stay at my home with my family, Herobrine visiting me every day and taking me out whenever we wanted." She told. This Herobrine sounded entirely different from the possessive one you knew. He must have changed after her thought to be death. 

She continued: "It was late at night. I was up late just taking a stroll outside town. Little did I know that I was a target of the assassins. An assassin showed up, immediately going for the throat. I would later learn she was called Ev.. Luckily, I knew how to fight. I had taught myself from a young age, and Herobrine taught me even more. I was able to fight her pretty well, but she was the one who was prepared, and her fighting style was much more brutal. Every single swing was meant to kill. I eventually had to run. I ran far from town, only to find Ev had planned this, and backed me up onto a broken bridge; a roaring waterfall just beside it. The only way I survived, was because I faked my own death. Ev stabbed me in the side, not bad enough to kill me right away thankfully, and I pretended to fall into the waterfall. Secretly, though, I had clung onto the bottom of the broken bridge, which was stone, and waited there until Ev finally left, thinking I was dead..." And, You2 paused for a moment, quietly thinking to herself. You, still imagining her story in your head. "I spent the next couple weeks recovering in a small cave, all by myself. By the time I left, news had already spread that I was dead.. I tried to get back to Herobrine, but no matter what I did, there was always something keeping me from reaching him. There were even times I was SO close, but I was pushed away or he flew off before spotting me." Some more tears clumped together in her eyes. 

You just stood there, not sure what to do. The two of you had finally stopped and were just facing one another by the gorge. "...I never thought he would replace me though..." She finally sobbed. Your own eyes began to get soggy, and you hugged You2, knowing both of you needed it. 

It was time to make a decision. This was, you, the person Herobrine had really fallen in love with. The one who really loved him back.. but, you loved him too. You had made that clear earlier when you left the rebel base to go back to him. Did you really want to go through all that, and end up not actually being the one by his side?.. You were so confused. Never in your life did you ever think you would have to choose between you being with the one you loved, or letting, maybe even helping, the OTHER you be with him instead... The answer was pretty clear though. It was a decision that had to be made. 

[Keep Herobrine for yourself "Keeper"]

[Let/help the other you have Herobrine instead "Giver"]

(Thank you guys so much for being patient. I really do like this story, it can just be a bit difficult to write something so confusing. I just mapped out all the chapters and how they branch off one another; just the ones I have so far, and let me tell ya, it's pretty insane! XD )

{FRQ: What is your favorite flavor of pie?} 

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