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(Right after page, "Pet")

It seemed like an eternity later and you were still stuck in that endless hug. Too weak at the moment to do anything. You could still feel yourself recovering from both being almost worked to death and getting sick afterwards. 

"I heard you start releasing stress after a 20 second hug. I wonder how much it would help if I gave you a 20 hour hug." Herobrine had chuckled about an hour ago. You believed he was still trying to make you somehow forgive him. Like that would ever happen! And by then you weren't sure what to really think anymore. You had needed a hug, but not from him! Throughout those last two years you had only gotten a couple hugs from Ĕv, and they were side hugs not meant to do any more than show she cared. You could tell Ev had never been a hugger. But you had appreciated anything other than work at those points. 

Finally Herobrine began rubbing your back again and you felt stuck, being reminded that you were still in his arms. You fought on and off to not go to sleep. You couldn't give him the satisfaction of you falling asleep in his arms. You just couldn't! 

"So when do you think you will be able to meet everyone?" The one holding you whispered. 

"Everyone?" You asked simply. 

"My family, I mean." Herobrine chuckled. It shocked you to think he even had a family. 

"Wh- who are they?" You asked. 

"Well, my parents are the current king and queen of Minecraftia. I have a couple cousins and a little sister too." He told you. 

"Oh, well how old is your little sister?" 

"Only 423 years old." He said plainly as if that was a small number. "But she looks about 12 if comparing to you humans." 

"Are you guys not human or something?" You.

"Well, kind of.. We aren't exactly gods, but still closer to that than mere mortals." He sort of explained. 

"And I am simply a mere mortal?" You chuckled. 

"Right now, yes. But if a mortal ever marries one in our family they become one of us. My father was once a mortal knight who fought for his immortal queen so selflessly that she fell in love with him." It all struck you at once. The story about his parents was cute. But that meant, if you married Herobrine, you would become immortal like him! You would be able to live MUCH longer than anyone else, including your friends and family. You felt sad inside to think that if you ever did manage to escape, but just after the wedding, you would have to watch as everyone you knew and loved became old and died, with you having no way to help or become old with them. And even worse, everyone would notice you not aging and you would end up in a lot of trouble because of it. 

"I- I I don't want to be immortal." You stuttered. 

"How come?" Herobrine asked, actually curious. 

"Well, I- I wouldn't be able to live a normal life, w- with my family." Was your answer. 

"Awww, maybe not with them, but here, with me, you would age just as slowly as us. Wouldn't you want to be able to live far longer than normal? With the ability to do anything you wanted?"

"W- well, not really.." You half lied. Being able to live long enough to accomplish any goal you set your mind to did sound pretty good. But still no! Herobrine just hugged you even tighter with a slight smile, knowing how you really felt. He had slowly loosened his grip over the hour time and you hoped it would continue like that until you could finally jump out. The sudden squeeze made you feel hopeless again. Your head was practically smashed into his chest, so you could hear his irregular heartbeat. It was a little slower than usual heartbeats, but the rhythm was more at a calm beat as well. You were bored and had nothing else to think about, okay?! Then he kissed you on the cheek which made your heart jump. Next up you tried to ask a very awkward question that you just couldn't get off your mind. 

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