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(after "Run")

You nodded and turned to run back. But before that, you gave Notch the middle finger. "Your puns SUCK by the way!!!"

"You little!--" spikes crawled through the ground to reach you, but Herobrine summoned two enchanted pickaxes, digging through them and chopping them up with ease! Ah yes. Now that he had the space to go crazy,

he can go crazy!

A safe distance away, you watched Hero dodge and counter strike after strike of netherrack earth. With a few flips and spins mixed in, he made the life of peril look so easy! However, Notch succeeded in keeping him at a distance. The elder brother must be a little weaker if he's been prioritizing long range attacks. Or perhaps he's just saving his stamina, trying to wear down Herobrine to make things easier on himself. Either way, even though Herobrine was doing alright now, time wasn't on his side.

A blade suddenly crashed down on your spine.


Blood spilled from your back, but you weren't disabled. Crap, crap, crap! Not one of THESE guys!! It was a Hoglin Brute, with fancy black and gold armor and one HECK of a sharp golden ax. While you were on the ground, the beast rose the weapon between two hooves and slammed it down on top of you. You spun around, laying on your bloody back and holding your silver blade over your head with both hands. The grip on your own knife cut through your own hamd a little, but as the metal CLANG rang through the air, biting at your ears, you were thankful to simply be alive!

You could this brute, right?? Hero had enough problems with Notch right now; bothering himself to defend you from this oafish creature should be the least of his worries at the moment!

[Call Herobrine for help --> "Call"]

[Fight the piglin yourself --> "Maul"]

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