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(After "Stand-In")

You decided you would try and go exploring. After all, it was probably a big place with lots of rooms to waste time in. So you left the meeting room with the holographic map and wondered about. It took you just a few minutes to realize how boring the base really was. You had hoped to at least run into someone to talk to, however everyone walking around seemed rather too busy to talk. You guessed with all the rebel related preparations that they might just be like that anyways. It was more of a work enviroment than a hang-out one. 

Dvvvvvvv! Dvvvvvvvv! Dvvvvvvv! 

Strange alarms suddenly blasted through the halls with flashing red lights. Everyone immediately picked up their pace, including you, though you didn't even know where you were going. 

""Can we please have (Y/n) come to the map room.. NOW!?"" Shyrah spoke through the speakers. Now if only you could remember your way back to the map room. Uh oh.. 

The ground you suddenly shook, causing the lights to flicker and people to shout or scream in fear. Only a second after that first shake, another one vibrated the metal walls and floor all around you. These quakes continued on and on until the metal throughout almost almost l the halls began to creak and dirt slowly began spilling in. Everyone REALLY began freaking out then. Whatever was causing the quakes would cause the tunnles to collapse right on top of you! 

"Everyone to the exits NOW! Take whatever you can but your lives are more valuable than stuff!" An obvious general shouted to everyone around you. By then quite the crowd had clustered around in the thin hall you were in. The instructed all scammed in several different directions. You chose to follow the group that was being lead by the general. They all ran at a speed that was hard for you to match. 'Perhaps everyone in this world is really fast somehow.'  You pondered to yourself. Nevertheless, you were still able to keep up with the heard of people. 

Suddenly you heard some metal creek and then snap, and you felt a pebble fall on your head along with some dirt. You looked up and saw the scieling was preparing to drop a heap of boulders right of top of you! 

"Eek!" You squealed. You jumped back just in time to miss the falling boulders. If you had kept running you wouldn't have made it past them in time. The ground kept shaking. It felt like it was getting closer. You trembled inside, dreading what might be just around the corner..

Creee- CRUNCH! 

A sword, was what came around the corner. A sharp, jagged, sword made with pure diamonds. The sword came right through the corner just down the hall making more of the wall collapse around into the halls. And the wielder of the blade, thrust forward just behind his sword. It was Herobrine. He had a glazed look of hatred on his face that chilled you to the core, and his glowing eyes looked truly terrifying. You had forgotten through all these years that Herobrine was originally known for being the Minecraft god of terror. Seeing him then was like looking upon a stranger, at least compared to the Herobrine you knew. 

Once he pulled his sword streight through the corner, he turned his head to look directly at you, but his glare was constant, as if towards you. Terrified, you backed yourself into the boulders. You even tried digging a few away, but that just got you dirty hands, and no escape. Herobrine didn's speak, he just began walking towards you looking like he was going to kill you. He had a limp in his step and a tightly clenched jaw trying to block out the pain he was still recovering from.  


The metal sciling above you fell open, allowing get more massive boulders to fall down. You ducked I to a ball to prepare for the worst. But.. nothing fell on you. When you looked up you saw that the boulders were all hovering above your head, slowly moving to the side of the hall to give you space to stand. You did, and you focused back on the other possible threat, who was still walking toward you with his hand up to control the boulders that were just then being gently placed on the floor. Ancient dust flew all around you and made you cough a little, but you still kept a strong gaze on Herobrine. He STILL looked not exactly angry, but stern and like he wanted to shout or something. 

After a few seconds that seemed like a few minutes, Herobrine finished limping over to you and stopped right in front of you, trapping you between him and the fallen stones. He was silent, only breathing deeply so close to you that you could actually feel the air being exhaled on your face and moving your hair ever so slightly. 

"U- u-, a- re you m- mad?" You asked the silly question. Of course he was mad, but you still couldn't tell if that anger was toward you just yet. He didn't answer. Instead, he lifted your chin so you had to look him directly in the eyes. At least they now looked softer on his still stern face. Then, he kissed you. It was certainly not expected but also welcomed compared to a stab to the chest. When you both pulled away Herobrine was smiling instead of tempered. 

"Quite a challenge just to kiss the bride." He smirked. You blushed deeply. 'Oh crap.' Oh crap indeed. You two were now officially married, under miles of mountains, inside a collapsing tunnel system. "Now how about we get going, Warrior Flower?" Herobrine continued smiling. You didn't want to though. You had just gotten back your freedom, maybe you would have even found your way back home. But unfortunately, you didn't have much of a choice in the matter. 

Swiftly, Herobrine lifted you off of your feet and held you bridal style. Then you two were teleported high above where you just were, about cloud level, looking over the mountain range that shot above the white fluff. The sudden rise in elevation caused you to cling on to the closest thing to you for dear life, which just so happened to be Herobrine. He chuckled and started flying at a cruising speed over the mountains. You just squinted down at everything as the wind blew in your face. When you realized that you were going good in the opposite direction of the castle, you began to wonder where you two were going. 

"Uh, where are we going?" You shook a little when it finally hit you that you were probably thousands of feet above the ground. Herobrine realized this and dropped himself, stopped flying, a couple feet just to freak you out for a moment. You screamed a little in response and he laughed litely. 

"Well (Y/n), we just so happen to be right next to my favorite place to watch the sun set." He answered when he was over with the little laugh. It was then that you looked up instead of down, and saw the sun was already setting, showing a beautiful array of colors from dark purple to a peachy orange. Even a few stars twinkled in the sky already. You looked at the sky in awe, which helped distract you from the far away ground. In a few minutes Herobrine landed the two of you on a cliff ledge coated in impossibly soft grass, with a little sturdy tree hanging off the ledge providing a little shade. 

Herobrine sat beside the tree with his legs dangling off the ledge, and you carefully sat beside him. In front of you was the perfect view of the sun setting behind the endless mountains that stretched on forever. 

"..How is it so beautiful?.." You sighed to no one in particular. 

"No matter the troubles, no matter the quakes, love from the hart, can meld all that breaks. No matter the hardships, no matter your faults, all can be mended, as long as I have you here.. I know, the end kind of sucks. I literally just pulled it off the top of my head. Oh gosh.. poetry is not my strong suit." Herobrine chuckled at himself as he face palmed. You placed your hand on top of his, the one he was using to prop himself up, and smiled. The smile he returned was unlike any you had seen before on him. It was so genuine you knew that right now, right here, was who he really was at his core. Just some awkward kid still trying to find his way through life, layering himself in masks of cold glares and solid stares. Masks of evil looks and mischievous grins. But none of that was really him. And now, you knew that.. 

[To continue on your current path, flip over to the page "Selfless"] 

(Woo! Only at chapter 20 and already we have 1k reads! This is amazing! :D)

{FRQ: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?}

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