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(After page: "Survivor" and "Fighter" not worry though. Just because they both lead here does not mean changes have not been made. I just do not want to have to copy and paste a whole bunch. I will let you know in the future when you must go to a page that takes you on your journey that branches off from the rest. Okeday? XD ) 

++++++While nothing bad happens, the following can be seen as quite uncomfortable, even I'm not going to editing the following.. So, for those like me, you can simply graze this part, coming back to the story after the: "●■●■●■●."++++++

Your mind suddenly snapped awake. It didn't take you long to realize the awkward situation you found yourself in. Sitting right on Herobrine's lap as he massaged your shoulders. You quickly squirmed to move but found the hands on your shoulders just grabbing you tighter and keeping you there. It was a miserable feeling when you found yourself unfairly overpowered by your foe's strength. 

"Morning." Herobrine cooed in your ear. You moved your head away, but that just gave him room to kiss your cheek litely. 

"What the heck?!" You gasped in surprise. 

"What?! Still angry?" He asked innocently. You just growled and tried again to escape. Your efforts being pointless. 

"Ugh!. Let me, go!" You demanded as you tried to push from him. He only put his arms around you and placed his head on your shoulder. That just made you feel even more helpless. What worried you even more was the scenery around you. It wasn't exactly terrifying, but it had a sense of imprisonment to it. 

You looked around at the large dark bedroom. In front of you was a huge lit fireplace with a couple lounging chairs on a fluffy dark red rug. The fire inside the fireplace was the only source of light in the room. Around the large brick fireplace there was a wall completely covered in bookshelves. Many of the books looked old and neglected, but several looked recently cleaned and used. The room definitely made you think royal bedroom, with a huge window on one side and a large arch double doorway on the other. It was a rectangle room by the dimensions of it. And there were no ladders to the bookshelves that raised around even twenty feet high. Probably because Herobrine could simply fly up to them. And what you were on, was a very cushiony king size bed with dark red comforters and drapes. The whole room had a dark red and black theme to it. It fit the person who stayed there I guess. 

After a moment of you being still and just looking around Herobrine let go to massage your back. It was so tight after years of endless labor that it felt almost Heavenly to have them loosened. But you couldn't just let this nightmare of a man make you feel good in any way. You needed to escape. So you tried to jump away, but to no avail. The massage almost seemed to paralyze you. And you had no idea why. All you ended up doing was shifting your weight a little to offer your other side that felt tight. Like a cat being scratched on the head. 

"So how was your rest?" Herobrine finally asked. You frowned, unable to recollect anything about resting. Instead of speaking you just shrugged. That hurt. You hadn't noticed until then, but your muscles had backtracked back to being sore, instead of the numb feeling you had gotten used to. Herobrine noticed the pain and went back to massaging your shoulders. But once he did your back realized how much pain it was in and felt like it was on fire. 

"How long was I asleep?" You asked quietly. You were surprised by your own raspy voice, as if you had just finished fighting a cold. 

"About a week." He answered plainly. Your eyes widened at that. "Once you were done fighting the elements and constant muscle strain, your body was hit with exhaustion and became susceptible to germs. I had feared your recovery might be harsh, but I had no idea of how bad it could turn out. Kind of hard to estimate I guess because I never get sick. So, sorry for that." Herobrine apologized. You huffed a refusal to forgive him. After all those years of being stuck in that death camp and losing your best friend, how could you ever forgive him?! Herobrine sighed sadly at your anger towards him. "Listen, I didn't really want to hurt you.. I just wanted to know when you were ready. And I am glad to say now, that you passed." He smiled. Then a quick tight hug came around you and you peeped quietly in shock. "So cute." He whispered. A moment or two passed and he still wasn't letting you go.  

"Um, let me go.. please?" You tried kindly asking that time. 

"Nope. Never again.." Herobrine sighed. And that just made your heart jump. Just for good measures you tried wiggling out of his grip again. But that just got you into an even tighter squeeze. 

Inside the hug your mind decided to drift off to other things, questions mostly. Where were you? How old was Herobrine exactly? What would be the best way to escape? Was there even a chance for you to get out of there? How did you manage to be washed when you were asleep? (answer: the castle maids.) And how come Herobrine seemed to like you, and you so specificly? Did he just spin the wheel of options and you happened to be the one it landed on? You sure would like to see that! 

"Um, h- how old are you?" You finally whispered a question. 

"1,825. Why?" He answered with sarcastic unknowingness. Your jaw dropped at the large number. 

"H- how?!" You asked. Herobrine just chuckled litely. 

"In my family, we age very, very, slowly." Herobrine replied with a hint of pride. "Though I am 1,825, I only look 22 or 23."  You just nodded slowly with wonder in your eyes. 

"Well, what do you p- plan to d- d- do with m- me?" You asked with an unbelievable amount of studdering. You heard Herobrine breath out a happy sigh as he thought of how to answer. The worry in your own question had just made you even more nervous. You already had an idea what his answer might be but hoped your suspicions were wrong. 

Before he answered your question, Herobrine plopped backwards on the mattress, taking you down too. You squeaked and tried to loosen whatever you could, but again to no avail. You just kind of laid helplessly on Herobrine as he relaxed himself. You hoped he might loosen his grip, but he didn't. Finally he spoke, "How does, wife, sound?" The question was asked smoothly and it made you shudder. Your crazy suspicions were correct. 

"N- n- no!" You protested. 

"That sounds like a yes to me." Herobrine chuckled. Your jaw dropped once again, this time to protest more. But there was nothing else to say. "The preparations have already been made. The wedding will be in two weeks. Until then just try not to escape." 

"Wait?! What?! No!" Was your attempt at protesting. Then you just growled loudly in annoyance. Your head raced for all kinds of ways to get out of the situation you were in. But nothing sounded just right in your head. Eventually your mind just went blank and you waited for new ideas to emerge. Herobrine took that time to mess with your hair playfully. "I won't be marrying you." You finally growled to make things clear. 

Then you felt your whole self being rotated fully around to face your foe strait on in the eyes. It was the first time you had really seen his face. It looked mischievous but gentle at the same time. It killed you inside when your first thought was, cute. You took note of the sudden situation you were in. You were finally facing Herobrine, practically right in his face, while his hands hoding you there stroked your back slightly, reminding you of the extremely soft pajamas you had on again. You refused to look him directly in the eyes for fear of what he might do. Then the hand that was not wrapping around from under you came up and lifted your chin so you had to look at him. You finally looked at his glowing eyes and shook at the look in them. They looked too happy to belong to a monster like him. 

"Yeah, you're mine." He said between a sigh and a smirk as he looked deep into your eyes. Then, he kissed you dead center on the lips, one of his hands keeping you from pushing away. It was clear to you right then and there, that this Herobrine guy wouldn't be one to give up easily. You would have to find a way to fight, a whole lot smarter

[Continue on to page: "Prisoner"]

(Hello. :> Feel free to comment about what you like and don't like. I enjoy constructive criticism, so trow them at me! I am not entirely sure how you all will be okay with the two options merging, seemingly making it pointless. But I promise the choice you made was not in vain. There will be paths further up that you can only take if you choose one path or the other. So, seeya!)

{FRQ: What is the first thing you would do with a million dollars?} 

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