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(following: "Sleeper")


"Believe me... She doesn't." A dark voice slid into the peaceful room. Suddenly, the room dipped to a frigid temperature. (Y/n), in her sleep, hugged Herobrine tighter as she began to shiver a little.

The air, the atmosphere around him began to waver as if it were a hot day in the desert, but obviously it was the opposite of that. And also, like you might see in a desert, emerged a mirage. Black smoke off in the corner of the room, hiding behind the light that spewed from the fireplace, two glowing eyes broke through the smoke --smoke which began to ooze out onto the floor until Herobrine's chair appeared to be an island over a black smoking sea.

"Null, leave at once. I will not have you taunting me!" Herobrine growled at his twin, trying to keep his voice low enough as to not wake (Y/n).

"Oh~ Null's not home anymore. Like a puppet on strings, the glowing eyes were dragged out of the cloud. Null without his exterior smoke and ebony skin drooped like a doll in the hand of some invisible force. His blond hair trickled with blood and several gashes were left bleeding on his arms and legs. But worst of all, a long iron blade had been plunged through the man's chest. Herobrine gasped at the sight.

"Wh- what did you DO to him?!" He asked, quickly pushing you aside, leaving you on the sofa to roll into a ball by yourself, and stood with his feet in the black mist to face this stranger.

"Isn't it obvious?! I KILLED him in cold blood! And that is exactly what I am going to do to your WIFE if you don't hand your life over to me!" The puppet was pushed forward, the pale, drooping face of the once alive Null uncomfortably close to the one being threatened. It was pulled back into the darkness again, it only being shown to make a point.

Herobrine gulped hard, "B..but... Knowing you...I... Would be the one do die.."

"Oh please.. If you truly LOVED her, the decision wouldn't be that hard to make." The dark voice mocked.

"Can I... At least say goodbye..?" A tear rolled down Herobrine's face. In no way was he ready for this.

"NO! If she were awake, than she could-.... The answer is no. Now, would like to give your life, willingly, or watch your lady friend, romantic partner, I don't care!..die in her sleep?~"

"I..." Herobrine stammered back. How?.. How was any of this even possible?! This person should be DEAD! "I take the first option!" Painstakingly, Herobrine forced himself down to his knees, tears falling down his chin in anticipation of what was to come. "But," looking back up at the dark cloud, trying to keep himself from making she contact with the other two glowing eyes, "How will I know (Y/n) will be fine?" 

"..Oh, that's the easy part... Because the only one I am after.. is you." And then the same blade used to kill Null was plunged into Herobrine's head. The figure holding the bloody blade carried the dark smoke around them still. They twirled their finger a couple times as they turned away from the body, dropping the other body they had been manipulating to the floor. The twirling of their finger opened up a shining bright, purple-ish white portal. Stepping through the portal, the dark figure only turned back to look at (Y/n) once, who was just then beginning to wake up. "I guess...as long as he has been extinguished here.. I can keep this timeline up..." You gasped as you saw the escaping black fog retreat from the fallen Herobrine, the being chuckling as they vanished through the portal, taking that same exact long, blood painted iron sword with them..

[The End] -7/20/21: "Day of Bloodshed"

{FRQ: If you ever had to take care of a baby koala, what would you name it?}

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