III The odd dream and the pastel punk III

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(This is the moment of truth if this story is allowed to continue and if not then there's nothing I can do about it, but at least it has been fun.)

Ava's pov

"Where am I? I don't recognize this place at all" I said as I looked at the unfamiliar room, as I inspect my surroundings I noticed Christmas decorations hanging up on the walls and the brightly lit and colourful tree in the corner: whoever lives here really went all out with the garland. Am I dreaming? Is this a future event that's yet to happen?

Having no idea what I should do with this unknown house, I just stood there, pondering on how I could leave, but then I hear voices coming from the kitchen and I immediately recognize one of them belonging to Robin, the other however is a stranger to me. I made my way towards the entrance of the room as the smell of baked goods travels in the air but when I got there I was surprised by what was happening, It was Robin making Christmas themed treats and a boy is helping them. He has a bit of muscle that's for sure; along with brown hair that's slightly tousled that's slightly covering a black eye, each wrist was covered with bracelets along with a singular wristwatch, fingers covered with a variety of rings, a necklace and a Mothman shirt. Upon the first look, he seems to be the kind of guy that acts like an ass-hole but yet he looks so friendly and gentle in a way. What confirmed it was the way that he looks at Robin, she has never been the type to have some guy looking at them like that but with this one, they looked okay with it. Not to mention that they are smiling at him and I can understand why. He is handsome and the fact he makes Robin this happy, I know that I can trust him.

I was so focused on what I was seeing that I didn't even notice that other people have walked through. And to double my shock from before to see me, entering the kitchen with another guy following. He was so much more different compared to the other one, instead of darker colours this one has a bright theme going on. A combination of pink and white, and why is he also handsome?! Just who are these people? And what's the relationship between us?!

I was so confused about what's happening in front of me, to the point where it's making my head hurt. Then as if my body understood became aware of it, my vision just went black.


"Ava? Are you okay?" I was suddenly awakened by not just the familiarity of Robin's voice but also by Igloo's licking. Realising that I was on the floor, I slowly picked myself back up and set down on my bed as I looked back at Robin as I was giving Iggy head pats.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, we needed to be up anyway for opening up the shop. But when I woke up I noticed that you were on the floor and poor Igloo trying to wake you up."

"I see, I'm sorry for worrying you both," I said as I hug Iggy.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just happy that you're alright. But why were you on the floor to begin with?" Robin asked with a concerned tone. Do I want to tell her about that dream? If I do they would probably freak out about it. Plus, I kind of wanted to see the guy in pink again. I should keep it a secret for now and hopefully, I'll tell them when the time feels right.

"Don't worry about it, Robin. I must have enjoyed my sleep that I never noticed I fell out."

"If you say so, you did look pretty exhausted yesterday. But aside from that will you still be able to work today?"

I nodded my head to their question with a smile on my face, we both got dressed and ready for today. By the time we went downstairs, we immediately got everything ready for customers: record player on, oven and grill on, microwave on, vintage coffee making tools ready to go and promised we put up a notice about the dogs. When we finally finished I flipped the door sign to show that we're open. I honestly feel like today is going to be fantastic.

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