Part three: I'll go slow, just for you Al

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"When I was young I was so concerned with people judging me for liking pretty colours, the music I listen to, being in the nerd shit. Then one day it just hit me; I just figure loving myself will always be more valuable than the hollow love of people who only love parts of me, the convenient stuff," he explained while bringing his rant to a close. His words were so moving to me that it made me move closer to him and hold his free hand which took him by surprise.


"Man, ah you got me out here preaching tonight don't you," Alphonse said as he turned his attention away from me.

"Are you okay Al?" I asked him in a worried tone.

"Oh I’m sorry, it's I guess it’s been a long time since I opened up. It feels pretty good actually. Feels, it feels like I haven’t had someone I could trust in a long time and it's just nice to be heard, or maybe that's the ice cream talking. So what about you? Have you had to hold back out of fear of what others might think?"

"That's hard to say. To be honest, I'm not so sure. I never let anyone else's words get to me. I mean people did give me shit for getting close to Robin. Honestly; the whole thing is kind of strange to me. I mean once you think about it, that kind of people who judge us, wanting to change us, but in a way, those kinds of people are somewhat suffering in the same way," I said to him by giving an honest answer.

"Yeah it is funny; even those people we think we have to hide our quirks from, are fighting the same fight, you know like the people in this town. Maybe it's not malicious, maybe we're all just a little scared of rejection or maybe some people just suck I don’t know, try not to be too cynical but at least the ice cream is good."

After saying that I couldn't help but laugh at the end of his sentence. To me, Alphonse could say anything that sounds simple and I could still put a smile on my face. Everything about him is just so charming to me, it will be moments like this that I will treasure forever.

"You’re pretty damn cute you know that? With the wind blowing in your hair and junk, I’m lucky you showed up," he said to me. That sudden comment took me by surprise once again, I'm never used to someone saying such lovely things to me. But it is nice to hear it coming from Al.

"Oh you got a little ice cream on you; no the other side, lower, here just let me get that," he said as he moved in close to wipe away the remaining ice cream on my face. As he did we both couldn't help but stare at each other, even though the night sky is slowly upon us it wouldn't be enough to hide the blush appearing on my cheeks.

"You are very sweet, and you know I’m a sucker for sweet things. I just don’t know if you should go getting too attached, I talk a big game but got a lot of work to do; work to do on me, the store, my emotional hangups, I’m sort of a mess. Kinda of a mess that I might fuck around and go catching feelings for the first person who ever bothered to listen to me, treat me like a decent human being. So all I’m saying is; think about what you're getting into, if you want something from me, all I ask is that you be straight up with me."

As he said that he too started to move in closer and take hold of my hand in return while still looking into my soul as he continues to speak.

"I can handle something casual, something fun but commitment, attachment, it'll scare me off. Even if I do like you but if it that sounds like something you'd be into, then you can stop by any night, anytime you want; to talk or maybe just lay around and listen to music, maybe there's something else you'd like," Al said to me as he didn't turn his attention away from me.

"I can live with the mess, Alphonse. That's something that we both can work on, together. Plus if we do move forwards then I promise that I'll take it slow, just for you and only you," I said to him with all the honesty I have, and it seems that my words affect him as he smiles slightly with a small blush on his cheeks. Then at that moment, we both hold each other closer than ever before but I noticed that Al is holding me more tightly, almost like he's scared that I would suddenly disappear.

"I’d give whatever you want babe, and I’d enjoy every minute of it. Which is honestly something I’m not really all that used to."

"You don't have to pressure yourself for anything Alphonse. I promise to go slow for you, you can do the same as well," I whispered to him in hopes to ease his nerves.

"Thanks, for this. For all of this," he said to me while giving me the softest smile.

This could definitely be one of the best things that could ever happen in my life; enjoying ice cream with a charming guy while watching the sunset together. This is a moment that I wish that this could last forever, I'm pretty sure that Al feels the same. But of course, we can't stay out here all day.

"I better get back to the shop and clean up, I’d offer to walk you home but I don’t want people thinking I’m some type of gentleman or something; I’ve got a reputation to uphold," Alphonse said as he let go of me and got up.

"That's alright Al, I'll find my way back from here," I said to him as I got up and smile at him.

"I’ll see you around."

And with that, we both went our separate ways towards home. Despite having an awkward start today but it all turned out a lot better than we could have imagined, I already can't wait for next time. And I'm sure that Alphonse thinks the same.


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