Part three: The Halloween booth

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We both smiled at each other, he is right on that. If anything that alone is one of the biggest changes ever, he wasn't hated by others anymore, he even started to smile more as he talked to them. It honestly fills me with joy, seeing moments like that. But then I noticed that he has a slight frown on his face, something was on his mind.


"Is something wrong Al," I asked him with a concerned tone. He didn't say anything for a bit, till he finally started to speak.

"Halloween hasn’t always been a special occasion for me; you’d think you’d be my jam because of candy and cool weather and good times but that’s really not the case. Back in the day I was real sweet on this one cutie and I was supposed to come over and help her hand out candy, she knew I was coming and when I get there she's making out with a homie of mine! Just all casual-like, and it wasn’t like it was any sort of mystery how I felt about it so, you know that sucked kind of ruined Halloween for me for a while and then it just turned into me trying to be alone and not deal with these people."

When Alphonse finished all I could do was frown at his story, his past experiences with Halloween, it actually makes sense now. He really liked that girl, and yet both she and a friend of his just stabbed him in the back. I couldn't even say anything about that and he clearly noticed my downtrodden expression since he tries to cheer me up again.

"But now, it’s fine. I mean, it’s more than fine, it’s fun. sorry, I talk too damn much," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's okay Al, I like it when you talk. If anything, I should be the one saying sorry; I didn't mean any harm, not to hurt your feelings," I said as I took hold of his free hand.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you just being nice. Let’s change the subject; hit me with your controversial candy opinions."

I was unsure if he telling the truth, but if he can say that with a smile then everything really is okay. I better be careful what I could say now, I don't want to have him remembering another bad moment.

"Okay, something controversial. Candy corn."

"Candy corn."

I wish I hadn't asked that now; because when I did Alphonse face just became a look of discomfort. I just immediately want to go to the nearest corner and cry, but I did dig up that hole so I'm gonna have to commit to it and hear what he was going to say, despite my dumb mouth.

"Alright, so here's the deal; have you ever really liked a certain food but then one bad experience sort of ruins the whole thing?"

"I don't think I've ever had that kind of moment when it comes to food, everything I've eaten was all made by my grandparents. But really though, what happened between you and candy corn. Was it that bad?"

"Yeah, I must have been like I don’t know six or seven years old and I was at this corn maze and at the end, there was this big ass thing of candy corn and while I was waiting for my folks to come through the maze, I must have stuffed my face with like a couple of handfuls at least, so finally they get out and we’re heading home and, whoops! I start spewing candy corn like that chick spews pea soup in The Exorcist. Just right there in the car all over myself, the back seat, my pops coat, so yeah now I can’t really eat candy corn or I get sick all over again."

I instantly saw that coming, I don't eat candy corn but after hearing that story, I won't be eating it any time soon. I may as well say something to try and make the situation a little bit better.

"Good thing Robin wasn't here, otherwise that story would have put them off their drink. And we would have to clean it up."

"Yeah, alright okay! Sorry! That was gross! My bad, another change of topic!"

"Sorry, so what do you have in mind?"

"Then listen, I was thinking that after we wrap up things here, maybe you'd like to go on a little walk with me. Maybe, up when we first met? Where you stumble across me being all shady and totally bought that neighbourhood watch line," he said to me with a small blush along with a smile. I was actually touched by the idea, the fact that he still remembers it just makes my heart flutter, and I simply couldn't say no to that.

"I love to Alphonse," I said with a soft and blissful smile. And with that response, he started to smile as well.

"Yeah, alright, cool. Sounds like a plan!"

We both have been enjoying our time so much that we hardly noticed that the evening has gone by rather quickly. The temperature began to drop, I could tell of the slight breeze in the air that made me shiver. And of course, that didn't go unnoticed by Alphonse.

"Are you cold? I can go grab one of my jackets for you, how’s that sound?"

"Sure, if that's alright," I responded as I rubbed my arms.

"Yeah. I will grab one for you and don’t let that rascal snatch any more candy, unless he shows up wearing his buddies mask OK?"

"You got it boss!"

"I’ll be right back."

And with that, he walked off to get a jacket for me as I watch over the booth. My Halloween days before coming here weren't very great; but now it has become one of my favourite holidays. I actually can't wait to see what Christmas has in store! I should also give Robin a heads up and say that I'll be home late.


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